

一、 英文期刊论文

1. Kong Xianghui, Wang Xuzhen, Gan Xiaoni ,Li Junbing, He Shunping. Molecular evolution of Connective tissue growth factor in Cyprinidae(Teleostei: Cypriniformes).Progress of Natural Science, 2008,18:155-160.

2. Kong Xianghui, Wang Guizhong, Li Shaojing. Seasonal variations of ATPase activity and antioxidant defenses in gills of mud crab Scylla serrata (Crustacea, Decapoda).Marine biology,2008,154:269–276.

3. Li Junbing, Wang Xuzhen, Kong Xianghui, Zhao Kai, He Shunping, MaydenRL.Variation patterns of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene with secondary structure constraints and their application to phylogeny of Cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2008,47:472–487.

4. Kong Xianghui, Wang Xuzhen, GanXiaoni, He Shunping. The c-myccDNA sequences of cyprinids (Teleostei:Cypriniformes): Implications for phylogeny. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(11):1491-1500.

5. Kong Xianghui, Wang Xuzhen, GanXiaoni, Li Junbing, He Shunping. Phylogenetic relationships of Cyprinidae(Teleostei: Cypriniformes) inferred from the partial S6K1 gene sequences and implication of indel sites in intron 1. Science in China ser.C Life Sciences,2007, 50(6):780-788.

6. Wang Guizhong, Kong Xianghui (Corresponding author), Wang Kejian, Li Shaojing. Variation of specific related proteins,mitochondria and fatty acid composition in gill of Scylla serrata (Crustacea, Decapoda). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2007,352(1):129-138.

7. Kong Xianghui, WANG Guizhong,LIShaojing. Antioxidation and ATPase activity in the gill of mud crab Scylla serrata under cold stress. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2007, 25 (2): 221-226 .

8. Li L, Chang M X, Nie P. Molecular cloning, promoter analysis and induced expression of the complement component C9 gene in the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2007, 118: 270-282.

9. Zhang Hongxu, Kong Xianghui, LI Cunmei, Liu Dandan. Expression of PCNA, AKP and ACP during development of mouse fore stomach carcinoma. Chinese Journal of cancer research, 2006,18(3):209-213.

10. Wang Guizhong, Li Shaojing ,ZengChaoshu, Lin Shujun,Kong Xianghui,Ai Chunxiang. Status of biological studies and aquaculture development of the mud crab,scyllaserrata, in china,Aquaculture International, 2005, 13:459–468.

11.Zhang Chao,Wang Qing,Shi Cunbin.et al.Molecular analysis of Grass carp reovirusHZ08 genome segments 1-3 and 5-6 [J]. Virus genes. 2010,41(1):102-104


1.薛明, 柯才焕, 狄桂兰.饥饿对方斑东风螺形态和组织生化成分的影响.台湾海峡,2010,29(2):205-211.


3.赵海鹏,蒲德永,余必先,周传江,黄林,张耀光.喹烯酮对南方鲇生长性能的影响.安徽农学通报. 2009,15(3):153-154.

4.李强,李孟均,周传江,陈先均.饥饿对白甲鱼(Onychostoma sima)仔鱼摄食、生长的影响.淡水渔业. 2009,39(5):32-37.




8.张超,王洪斌,肖建华,董婧. 动物医院信息管理系统设计与实现[J]. 东北农业大学学报, 2008, 39(2): 238~241

9.孔祥会,王绪祯,甘小妮,何舜平. 鲤科鱼类的c-myc CDS及其系统发育关系,科学通报,2007,52(9):1028-1036.

10.孔祥会, 王桂忠, 李少菁. 低温驯化锯缘青蟹鳃抗氧化、ATPase及膜脂肪酸组成变化. 水生生物学报, 2007,31(1): 59-67 .

11.孔祥会,何舜平.鱼类物种特征尺寸控制因素研究进展,水生生物学报, 2006,30(5):614-620.

