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1.Kong Xianghui, Wang Shuping, Jiang Hongxia, Nie Guoxing, Li Xuejun. Responses of acid/alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme, and catalase embryonic development of goldfish Carassius auratus.Aquatic Toxicology, 2012,120–121:119–125.

2.Kong Xianghui, Wang Guizhong, Li Shaojing. Effects of low temperature acclimation on antioxidant defenses and ATPase activities in the muscle of mud crab (Scylla paramamosain), Aquaculture, 2012,370-371:144–149 .

3.Hongxia Jiang, Hongmei Yang, Xianghui Kong, Shuping Wang, Dequan Liu, Siju Shi. Response of Acid and Alkaline Phosphatase Activities to Copper Exposure and Recovery in Freshwater Fish Carassius auratus gibelio var.Life Science Journal 2012;9(3): 233-245.

4.Guoxing Nie, Xiao Yan, Junli Wang, Hong Ming, Bei Wang,Junlin Zheng, Xuejun Li, Xianghui Kong.Peptide Transporter PepT1 in Cyrinus Carpio’s Intestine: cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 2012, 37(2):204-211.

5.Guoxing Nie, Bei Wang, Junli Wang, Hong Ming, Junlin Zheng, Xuejun Li, Xianghui Kong.Molecular cloning, sequence analysis and structure prediction of rBAT in Cyprinus carpio L. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(32): 8060-8069.

6.Guilan Di, Jianbin Ni, Zhaoxia Zhang, Weiwei You, Bo Wang and Caihuan Ke.Types and distribution of mucous cells of the abalone Haliotis diversicolor. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(37): 9127-9140.

7.Pei C, Lei XY, Yuan XP, Wang D, Zhao QZ, Zhang QY. Herpes-like virus infection in Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides): pathology, ultrastructure andMolecular Analysis. J Wildlife Dis. 2012, 48(1): 235-237.

8.Lei XY, Chen ZY, He LB, Pei C, Yuan XP, Zhang QY. Characterization and virussusceptibility of a skin cell line from red-spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara). Fish Physiol Biochem, 2012, 38(4): 1175-1182.

9.QingWang, Weiwei Zeng, Chun Liu, Chao Zhang,Yingying Wang, Cunbin Shi and Shuqin Wu. Complete genome sequence of a reovirusisolated from grass carp, indicating different genotypes of GCRV in China .J. Virol. 2012, 86(22):12466


1.孔祥会,王书平,仝颜娜,靳宇阳,江红霞.汞暴露对金鱼幼鱼抗氧化防护的影响. 水产科学,2012,31(4):187-191.

2.王书平,江红霞,仝颜娜,靳宇阳,武向敏,孔祥会. 汞对金鱼仔鱼磷酸酶和溶菌酶活性的影响. 水产科学,2012年,31(12):719-722



5.朱庆红,李莉,赵昭.6种水产药物对金鱼苗的急性毒性试验.河南农业科学 2012,41(1):151-155

6.曾伟伟,王庆,张超等. 草鱼呼肠孤病毒HZ08株S4基因序列分析. 生物学杂志,2012,29(2):12-17.

7.别鹏,时彦民,张超等. 投喂蚕豆对草鱼生长及肌肉营养特性分析. 水产养殖,2012,7: 40-43.

