新质生产力 、消费结构与旅游业高质量发展

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新时期旅游业发展面临着新的机遇与挑战 ,新质生产力为旅游业高质量发展提供了新动力 . 在对旅游 业高质量发展和新质生产力内涵构成进行梳理 基 础 上 ,探 究 了 新 质 生 产 力 与 消 费 结 构 促 进 旅 游 业 高 质 量 发 展 的 影 响机理并构建了测度框架 . 继而 ,对 2011-2022年全国 30个省区的 新 质 生 产 力 和 旅 游 业 高 质 量 发 展 的 综 合 水 平 进 行了测度 ,并实证检验了新质生产力对旅游业高质量发展的影响作用 . 研究发现 : (1) 新 质 生 产 力 能 够 正 向 赋 能 旅 游 业高质量发展 ,考虑内生性的系统广义矩阵检验后该结论依然成立 ; (2)通过构建联立方程探究各地区新质生产力发展能够推动消费结构优化 ,进而间接影响到地区旅游业高质量发展 ; (3)新质生产力对旅游业高质量发展的影响效 应存在显著的区域异质性 ,东 、西部地区新质生产力更能有效促进旅游业高质量发展 . 基于上述结论 ,从加速技术创 新与产业变革 、制定针对性新质生产力策略等方面 ,提出了促进新质生产力赋能旅游业高质量发展的政策建议 .

Tourism developmentis facing new opportunities and challenges in the modern era, and new quality produc- tivity has provided an impetusforthe high-qualitydevelopmentoftourism. Based on analyzing the connotation and components ofhigh-quality tourism developmentand new quality productivity, this paper examines the impact mechanism of new produc- tive productivity and consumption structure on promoting high-quality tourism development, and establishes a measurement framework. Then, based on the comprehensive measurementofnew qualityproductivity and high-qualitytourism development in30 provinces in China from 2011 to 2022, the role ofthe formerin promoting the latteris tested. The results revealthe fol- lowing: (1) New quality productivity can positively enable the high-qualitydevelopmentoftourism , and this conclusion remains valid after considering the endogenous system in a generalized matrix test. (2) Via the construction of simultaneous equations,  new quality productivity is found to promote the optimization of the consumption structure, which then indirectly affects the high-qualitydevelopmentofregionaltourism. (3)The promoting effecttofnew qualityproductivityon thehigh-qualitydevelop- mentoftourism is marked by regionalvariations. New quality productivityin both the eastern and western regions can signifi- cantly boostthehigh-qualitydevelopmentoftourism. Based on theseconclusions, somesuggestionsareputforward to promote the high-quality developmentoftourism from the aspects ofthe acceleration oftechnologicalinnovation and the formulation of targeted new quality productivity strategies.


余超 ,李泉宏 ,刘英基

Yu Chao, LiQuanhong , Liu Yingji


Betway官方客服旅游学院; Betway官方客服商学院


余超 ,李泉宏 ,刘英基 . 新质生产力 、消费结构与旅游业高质量发展[J] . Betway官方客服学报(自然科学版) ,2024,  52(5) : 19-28. 

Yu Chao, Li Quanhong, Liu Yingji. New quality productivity, consumption structure and high- quality developmentoftourism[J] .Journalof Henan NormalUniversity(NaturalScience Edition) ,2024,52(5) :  19-28. DOI:10. 16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2024. 04. 28. 0002.




新质生产力 ;消费结构 ;旅游业高质量发展

new quality productivity; consumption structure; high-quality developmentoftourism



新质生产力 、消费结构与旅游业高质量发展.pdf
