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In order to fit the long memory of financial asset data, many scholars use stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion to describe the change law of financial asset prices. However, the model driven by fractional Brownian will generate arbitrage opportunities in the financial market, which is difficult for people to study the option pricing problem. In view of this, this paper first uses a class of fractional Gaussian processes with semimartingale properties to approximate the fractional Brownian motion, which is uniformly convergence under L2(Ω)是一致收敛的.然后,利用分数高斯过程对金融资产价格进行统计建模,求得模型近似解的闭式表达式,并以分数阶Langevin模型作为特例,对近似解和原模型解的样本路径进行模拟,展示了二者的近似程度.最后,基于所构建的近似模型,得到了几何平均亚式看涨期权和看跌期权的定价公式.
In order to fit the long memory of financial asset data, many scholars use stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion to describe the change law of financial asset prices. However, the model driven by fractional Brownian will generate arbitrage opportunities in the financial market, which is difficult for people to study the option pricing problem. In view of this, this paper first uses a class of fractional Gaussian processes with semimartingale properties to approximate the fractional Brownian motion, which is uniformly convergence under L2(Ω). Then, the fractional Gauss process is used to estabilish the statistical model of the financial asset price, and the closed form expression of the the approximate solution of the model is obtained. Selecting the fractional Langevin model as a special case, simulating the sample paths of the approximate solution and the solution of original model, and the approximate degree of them are shown. Finally, based on the constructed approximate model, the pricing formulas of geometric average Asian call option and put option are obtained.

关键词(KeyWords): 分数布朗运动;L~2近似方法;半鞅;长记忆性;期权定价
fractional Brownian motion;L~2-approximate approach;semimartingale;long-memory;option pricing

基金项目(Foundation): 国家自然科学基金(11971154);; 河南省重点研发与推广专项(软科学研究)项目(232400410034)

作者(Authors): 王继霞;肖晓芳;
Wang Jixia;Xiao Xiaofang;College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Normal University;

DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.009


