总学时: 64 学分:4 适用专业:英语教育
• 课程的性质和任务
《 英语课程与教学论 》是英语教育专业学生的一门专业必修课程。其宗旨是帮助学生进一步了解英语语言的特点,熟练掌握主要英语教学流派的理论依据、特色、优势和不足,从而掌握英语的听说读写四种技能的教学和学习的策略,以获得这些技能的教学能力,最终胜任中小学英语教学。
• 课程的教学基本要求
1 、 《英语课程与教学论》列入学校的教学计划,成绩记入学生的档案,按照高等学校英语专业基础阶段应予教学大纲及本学院对大学生的教学、考核的有关规定,严格考核制度。
2 、 《英语课程与教学论》的教学为期一年,每学期教学时数为 32学时。在完成教材的教学内容之余,学生还要了解我国基础阶段的《英语课程标准》以及新课程改革的相关政策和理念,同时,将本地采用的中小学英语教材的实例引进大学教学法的实践课堂,从而将理论和实践有机地结合起来,进一步完善英语教学理念和技能。
3 、 《英语课程与教学论》除了帮助学生获得最基本的课堂教学技能之余,还将教育学、心理学、社会语言学、人本主义、(社会)建构主义等英语教育教学所必需的理论和理念贯穿在教学之中,以期帮助学生树立正确的课程观、教育观、学生观、学习观、终身学习理念等。
三 . 课程讲授内容
Unit 1: How to be a good teacher 学时: 4
内容与要求 :
I. What makes a good teacher?
• Making their lessons interesting
• Having her own personality and doesn't hide from Ss
• Having lots of knowledge, not only of her subject
• Trying to draw out the quiet ones and control the more talkative ones
• Being able to correct people without offending them
• Knowing Ss' names
• Caring more about Ss' learning rather than they do about their own teaching
II. How should teachers talk to Ss?
• Using more exaggerated tones of voice
• Using less complex grammatical structures
• Using more restricted vocabulary
• Making greater eye contact
III. How should teachers give instructions?
• Keeping instructions as simple as possible, and logical
• Being sure to check that Ss have understood what they are being asked to do
IV. Who should talk in class?
The best lessons are the ones where STT is maximized, but where at appropriate moments during the lesson the teacher is not afraid to summarize what is happening, tell a story, enter into discussion etc. Good teachers use their common sense and experience to get the balance right.
Unit 2: How to be a good learner 学时: 4
I. How important is the Ss' motivation?
Motivation can be divided into several different groups.
• integrative motivation & instrumental motivation
• intrinsic motivation & extrinsic motivation
• indirect long-range motivation & direct short-range motivation
• achievement motivation
II. Who is responsible for learning?
Ss should take the responsibility for their own learning. Good learners do not just wait to be taught. Getting Ss to do various kinds of homework like written exercises, compositions or study is the best way to encourage Ss autonomy .
III. What characteristics do good learners share?
• A willingness to listen
• A willingness to experiment
• A willingness to ask questions
• A willingness to think about how to learn
• A willingness to accept correction
IV. What are the different levels?
• beginners 2. intermediate students 3. advanced students
Unit 3: How to manage teaching and learning 学时: 4
I. How should teachers use their physical presence in class?
1. proximity 2. appropriacy 3. movement 4. contact
II. How should teachers use their voices in class?
• audibility 2. variety 3. conservation
III. What is the best seating arrangement for a class?
Orderly rows : a clear view of all the Ss and the Ss can see the teacher; easy lecturing; maintaining eye contact; walking up and down more easily and easy personal contact; the best or only solution to big-class teaching.
Circles and horseshoes : greater feeling of equality; all the Ss can see each other; more intimate place and the potential for Ss to share feelings and information through talking, eye contact or expressive body language.
Separate tables : much less hierarchical atmosphere.
IV. What different student groupings can teachers use?
• whole class: clarity; dramatic potential; teacher control
• group work and pair work: cooperation; involvement; autonomy
• solo work: Ss can work at their own speed; Ss can have thinking time; Ss are allowed to be individual; Ss can relax their public faces.
V. How can teachers evaluate the success or failure of their lessons?
• Asking Ss simple questions
• Inviting colleagues into classroom to observe what happens
• Asking Ss to wrote down one or two things they want more of & two things they want less of
Unit 4: How to describe learning and teaching 学时: 8
I. What elements are necessary for successful language learning in classroom?
ESA: engage---study---activate
II. What teaching models have influenced current teaching practice?
• grammar-translation
• ppp---presentation, practice, production
• task-based learning
• communicative language teaching
Unit 5 How to describe language 学时: 4
I. Forms and meanings
1. One form, many meanings: the same basic form can be used to express a number of different concepts. Individual words can mean more than one thing, too.
2. One meaning, many forms: a meaning or concept can be expressed in many different ways. The same is true of word meaning.
• Pronunciation
• Sounds
• Stress
• Pitch and intonation
Unit 6 How to teach language 学时: 6
重点和难点:了解 新课程改革和《英语课程标准》的主要相关内容;第二、三两部分是重中之重。
• What do language study consist of?
There are four things that students need to do with “new” language: be exposed to it, understand its meanings, understand its form (how it is constructed), and practise it.
• How should we expose students to language?
• Because many people acquire languages by hearing them first, many teachers prefer to expose students to the spoken form first.
• The teacher can play the tape more than once so that students get a good chance to hear the materials. She may also say part of the materials herself and she may feel it a good idea to show the students a written version.
• The teacher has to choose different ways to meet the needs of learners of different levels.
• How can we help students to understand meaning?
• Here are some of the ways of helping students to understand meaning: objects, pictures, drawings, gestures, expressions, etc. (esp. when dealing with fairly simple concepts)
• Using questions
• Anything which helps students understand meaning is worth trying.
• Showing them enough examples of the word being used so that its meaning emerges naturally.
IV. Why do students make mistakes?
• The students' own language get in the way.
• Grammatical considerations matter.
• Interference, over-generalization, positive transfer, negative transfer.
V. How should we correct students?
Since we can upset the students and dent their confidence ( if we correct them in a insensitive way), we have to be careful when correcting them. We can ask if one of their colleagues can help out. Being gentle is the most important.
Unit 7 How to teach reading 学时: 8
重点和难点:了解英语阅读的主要模式、策略和技能 , 以及课堂英语阅读教学的主要步骤。
I Purposes for reading
Reading for information;
Reading for pleasure
Reading for survival
II What kind of reading should students do?
Authentic; As close to real life as possible
III What are the reading skills?
Skimming: for the gist.
Scanning: for details
Predicting: what is going to be read next?
Inferring: what is the writer trying to convey?
Identifying: what do the pronouns refer to?
IV More post-reading suggestions:
Read and act it out
Read and match
Predicting according to key words
Match topic sentences with the corresponding paragraphs
Guess who/what the writer is
Supply an ending to the material
Convert information into bar graphs or pie-charts
Unit 8 How to teach writing 学时: 4
I. Why teach writing?
1. Reinforcement
2. Language development
3. Learning style
4. Writing as a skill
II. What kind of writing should students do?
The answer to this question depends on the students' age, interests and English level. One thing the teacher should make sure is that the students have or can get enough language to complete the writing task.
III. How should teachers correct writing?
• The teacher had better keep a balance between being accurate and truthful on the one hand and treating students sensitively and sympathetically on the other.
• Two ways of avoiding “over-correction”:
• For a particular piece of writing, the teacher is only going to correct mistakes of punctuation, or spelling, or grammar etc.
• The teacher may use a list of written symbols (S= spelling mistakes; WO= word order mistakes)
3. The last but least, correcting is important, but it can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when it is difficult to know what the mistake is because it is unclear what the student is trying to say. Still, the correction is worthless if students just put their corrected writing away and never look t it again. So teacher have to ensure that the students the problem and then redraft the passage correctly.
Unit 9 How to teach speaking 学时: 2
I. Why encourage students to do speaking tasks?
1. Rehearsal
2. Feedback
3. Engagement
II. How should teachers correct speaking?
When students are repeating sentences trying to get their pronunciation exactly right, the teacher will often correct every time there is a problem. But in a heated discussion the teacher had better just listen to the students and correct the students in the end.
Unit 10 How to teach listening 学时: 8
I. Why teach listening?
1. To get accustomed to different kinds of sounds and intonation.
2. To help acquire language subconsciously even if the teacher does not draw attention to its special features.
3. To help students get better at listening the more they do it.
II. What are the principles behind the teaching of listening?
• The tape recorder is just as important as the tape.
• Preparation is vital.
• Once will not be enough.
• Students should be encouraged to respond the content of a listening not just to the language.
• Different listening stages demand different listening tasks.
• Good teachers exploit listening texts to the full.
III. What are the major listening skills?
• Listening for a gist
• Listening for specific information
• Listening for detailed information
• Inferring
• Note-taking
Unit 11 How to use textbooks 学时: 2
I. What do adding, adapting and replacing look like?
1. Vocabulary: separate the words list into three categories: personal engagement, word study, and word games.
2. Some texts can be cancelled while some other can be adapted so as to make classroom teaching more interesting and authentic.
3. Supplement more materials to replace the texts in the book so as to meet the real needs of the students or to offer a more detailed interpretation.
Unit 12 How to plan lessons 学时: 8
I. Why plan at all?
1. It strongly suggests a level of professionalism and a commitment to the kind of preparation.
2. It gives the lesson a framework, an overall shape.
3. It allow the teacher to think about where they are going and gives them time to have ideas for tomorrow's and next week's lessons.
4. It gives students confidence.
5. It can be part of assessment or performance review when the teacher is to be observed.
II. What should be in a plan?
• Teaching subjects: age, interests, gender difference, personal traits, etc.
• Teaching objectives
• Teaching procedures
• Teaching coherence
• Layout of the blackboard design
III. What questions do teachers need to ask?
• Who exactly are the students for this activity?
• Why do you want to do it?
• What will it achieve?
• How long will it take?
• What might go wrong?
• What will be needed?
• How does it work?
• How will it fit in with what comes before and after it?
Unit 13 What if? 学时: 2
重点和难点:这些“如果 … 怎么办?”是课堂教学经常遇到的问题,引导学生列举更多的课堂教学临时出现的问题并经过讨论找到解决问题的有效方法。
I. What if students are all at different levels?
1. Use different materials.
2. Do different tasks with the same materials.
II. What if the class is very big?
• Use worksheets.
• Use pair-work and group-work.
• Use chorus reaction.
• Use group leaders.
• Use the size of the group to your advantage.
III. What if students keep using their own language?
• Talk to them about the issue.
• Encourage them to use English appropriately.
• Only respond to English.
• Create an English environment.
• Keep reminding them.
IV. What if students are un-cooperative?
• Talk to individuals.
• Write to individuals.
• Use activities.
• Make a language-learning contract.
V. What if students do not want to talk?
1. Use pair-work.
2. Allow them to speak in a controlled way at first.
3. Use “acting out” and reading aloud.
4. Use role-play.
5. Use the tape-recorder.
1 .如果你准备了多媒体课件但是却突然没电了,怎么办?
2 .如果学生不接受教师的教学风格和人格特点,(师生各自应该)怎么办?
3 .如果学生很喜欢教师的风格,但是学校领导不欣赏甚至以干扰,(师生双方应该)怎么办?
四 本课程与其他课程的关系
五 教学时数分配
《英语课程与教学论》 课程教学时数分配表
总学时: 64 学分:4
章次 章节 | 各章标题名称 | 讲授学时 | 实践学时 |
Unit 1 | How to be a good teacher | 4 | |
Unit 2 | How to be a good learner | 4 | |
Unit 3 | How to manage teaching and learning | 4 | |
Unit 4 | How to describe learning and teaching | 6 | 2 |
Unit 5 | How to describe language | 4 | |
Unit 6 | How to teach language | 6 | |
Unit 7 | How to teach reading | 4 | 4 |
Unit 8 | How to teach writing | 4 | |
Unit 9 | How to teach speaking | 2 | |
Unit 10 | How to teach listening | 8 | |
Unit 11 | How to use textbooks | 2 | |
Unit 12 | How to plan lessons | 4 | 4 |
Unit 13 | What if? | 2 |
六、 教材与参考书
Harmer, J. ( 2000 ) . How to teach English . Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
1 、顾曰国 . 《英语教学法》北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1996.
2 、国家教育部 . 《英语课程标准》 . 北京:北京师范大学出版社 .2001.
3 、现行各种版本小初高英语教材
七 、 主要教学方法与媒体要求
任务性教学、课堂讲授、案例教学、提问式教学、课程设计、师生互动、学生讲授 ; 多媒体教学、 VCD 、录像
八. 推荐的教学网站和相关专业文献网站
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