


姓   名:    王文晟

职   称:    教授、博士生导师

办公电话:    0373-3326340

电子邮箱:    041171@htu.edu.cn


    王文晟,博士,Betway官方客服特聘教授,博士生导师,2000年毕业于日本东京大学药学院,获药学博士学位。毕业后作为特别研究员在日本国立食品药品卫生研究所(NIHS)工作,从事与DNA的复制,修复和同源重组相关的罕见遗传病(Bloom syndrome, Werner syndrome等)的研究。后转到美国加州大学,罗切斯特大学从事DNA的复制,修复和同源重组,及自免疫疾病方面的研究工作。2016年回国,被新乡医学院聘为特聘教授。现作为特聘教授到Betway官方客服生命科学学院工作。近年来在国家自然科学基金和美国健康卫生研究所的资助下从事与神经精神性疾病(抑郁症)和骨相关疾病(如溶骨病和骨关节炎)方面的研究。在国际权威期刊发表SCI论文28篇。





1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,淋巴内皮细胞来源的Sema3A在戈勒姆综合症发病中的作用和机制 (81974321),2020/01-2023/12,60万元,在研,主持

2. 河南省自然科学基金,162300410217,可用于抑郁症诊断的标示microRNA的筛选和其作用机制的探讨,2017/01-2018/12,10万元,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31170733,布鲁姆蛋白质和DNA连接酶I在抑制同源重组产生过程中的相互关系的解析,2012/01-2015/12,60万元,结题,主持


  1. Wang Wensheng, Lin X, Xu H, Sun W, Bouta EM, Zuscik MJ, Chen D, Schwarz EM, Xing L. Attenuated JointTissue Damage Associated With Improved Synovial Lymphatic Function FollowingTreatment With Bortezomib in a Mouse Model of Experimental PosttraumaticOsteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019Feb;71(2):244-257. (一区,IF=9.002)

  2. Wang Wensheng, Wang H, Zhou X, Li X, Sun W, DellingerM, Boyce BF, Xing L.Lymphaticendothelial cells produce M-CSF causing massive bone loss in mice. Journal of bone and mineral research.2017 May; 32(5): 939-950.(一区,IF=6.314)

  3. Chao-Zhi Tang, Dong-Fang Zhang, Jun-Tang Yang, Qing-Hui Liu, Ya-Ru Wang, and Wen-Sheng Wang*.Overexpression of microRNA-301b accelerates hippocampal microglia activationand cognitive impairment in mice with depressive-like behavior through theNF-κB signaling pathway. Cell Death Dis.2019 Apr; 10(4): 316. (二区,IF=5.959)  *通讯作者

  4. Chao-ZhiTang, Jun-TangYang, Qing-HuiLiu, Ya-Ru Wang, Wen-ShengWang*. Up-regulated miR-192-5p expressionrescues cognitive impairment and restores neural function in mice withdepression via the Fbln2-mediated TGF-β1 signalingpathway. FASEB J. 2019 Jan;33(1):606-618. (二区,IF=5.391) *通讯作者

  5. TangChaozhi, Zhang Yuling, Wang Wensheng*,Li Weiguo, Shi Jipeng. Serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein atadmission are more strongly associated with post stroke depression in acuteischemic stroke than homocysteine levels [J]. Molecular Neurobiology. 2016; 53(4):2152-60.(二区,IF=6.19)*通讯作者

  6. TangChaozhi, Zhang Yuling, Wang Wensheng*,Li Weiguo, Shi Jipeng. Elevated serum levels of neopterin at admission predictsdepression after acute ischemic stroke: A 6-month follow-up study [J]. Molecular Neurobiology. 2016 July;53(5):3194-204.(二区,IF=6.19)*通讯作者

  7. Tang Chaozhi, Zhang Yuling, Shi Jipeng. Wang Wensheng*, Liang Le, . The complete mitochondrial genomeof Bos gaurus gon-shan (Bovidae; Bovinae).MitochondrialDNA.2016; 27(2):1050-1. (四区,IF=3.35)*通讯作者

  8. Wensheng Wang, Javier Rangel-Moreno, Teresa Owena, JenniferBarnarda, Travis Ichikawaa, and Jennifer H. Anolik. Long-term B cell depletion in murine lupus eliminatesautoantibody-secreting cells by altering the plasma cell niche.  J Immunol. 2014; 192(7): 3011-20. (二区,IF=5.362)

  9. Chiu YH, SchwarzE, Li D, Xu Y, Sheu TR, Li J, Bentley KL, Feng C, Wang B, Wang JC,Albertorio-Saez L, Wood R, Kim M, Wang Wensheng, Ritchlin CT.  Dendritic Cell-Specific Transmembrane Protein (DC-STAMP) RegulatesOsteoclast Differentiation via the Ca2+ /NFATc1 Axis.  J Cell Physiol. 2017; 232: 2538–2549(二区,IF=4.155)

  10. Qianqian Liang,Yawen Ju,Yan Chen,Wensheng Wang,Jinlong Li,Li Zhang,Hao Xu,Ronald W. Wood,Edward. M. Schwarz,Brendan F. Boyce,Yongjun Wang andLianping Xing. Lymphaticendothelial cells efferent to inflamed joints produce iNOS and inhibitlymphatic vessel contraction and drainage in TNF-induced arthritis in mice. Arthritis Res Ther.2016;18:62.  (二区,IF=3.979)

  11. Diana Adlowitz, JenniferHossler, Jamie Biear, Christopher Cistrone, Teresa Owen, Wensheng Wang, Arumugam Palanichamy, Ezinma Ezealah, DebbieCampbell, Chungwen Wei, R. John Looney, Inaki Sanz, and Jennifer H.Anolik.  Expansion of activated memory Bcells in RA and impact of B cell depletion therapy.  PLoS One. 2015; 10(6). (二区,IF=3.53)
