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姓    名:张军

职    称:讲师




张军,男,中共党员,山东临沂人,博士,硕士生导师。2017年毕业于河南理工大学,获学士学位;2020年毕业于中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,获硕士学位;2023年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,获博士学位;同年进入Betway官方客服生命科学学院工作。参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、面上项目和国家重大研究计划项目专题等。在Water Research、Journal of Hydrology、Science of The Total Environment、Plant and Soil等本领域知名期刊上发表学术论文10余篇。曾荣获河南省三好学生、河南省优秀毕业生、中科院地理所优秀毕业生等荣誉。






  1. 博士人才科研项目,卫河流域氮素的时空变化特征及其定量溯源研究,2024/01-2025/12,主持;

  2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,长江经济带水循环变化与中下游典型城市群绿色发展互馈影响机理及对策研究,2019/01-2023/12,参与;

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,海螺沟冰川退缩区植被原生演替过程中内生固氮植物的驱动作用研究,2019/01-2022/12,参与;

  4. 国家重大研究计划项目专题,干暖河谷退化植被恢复与稳定性技术试验示范,2017/07-2020/12,参与。



  1. Jun Zhang,Thomas H. DeLuca, Penzhenni Chen, Andi Li, Genxu Wang, Shouqin Sun.Comparison of the seasonal and successional variation of asymbiotic and symbiotic nitrogen fixation along a glacial retreat chronosequence. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 896: 165163.

  2. Jun Zhang,Shouqin Sun, Genxu Wang, Penzhenni Chen, Zhaoyong Hu, Xiangyang Sun.Composition and diversity of endophytic diazotrophs within the pioneer plantsin a newly formed glacier floodplain on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil, 2022, 481(1-2): 253-267.

  3. Jun Zhang,Ji Luo, Thomas H. DeLuca, Genxu Wang, Shouqin Sun, Xiangyang Sun, Wei Zhang.Biogeochemical stoichiometry of soil and plant functional groups along aprimary successional gradient following glacial retreat on the eastern Tibetan plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 26: e01491.

  4. Jun Zhang,Qingjun Guo, Ziteng Wang, Ernest Uwiringiyimana, Rongfei Wei, Chenjun Du,Pingqing Fu. Phytoplankton dominates the suspended particulate nitrogen sourcein the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 615: 128607.

  5. Jun Zhang,Rongfei Wei, Teklit Zerizghi, Ziteng Wang, Meng Cui, Chenjun Du, Fujun Yue,Qingjun Guo. Nitrate sources and transformations along the Yangtze River andits changes after strict environmental regulation. Journal of Hydrology, 2023,617: 129037.

  6. Jun Zhang,Ringfei Wei, Qingjun Guo. Impacts of mining activities on the spatial distribution and source apportionment of soil organic matter in a karst farmland. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 882: 163627.

  7. 张军, 刘婷, 李安迪, 孙守琴. 不同苔藓斑块对亚高山针叶林土壤呼吸和有机碳累积的影响. 山地学报, 2019, 37(1): 21-29.

  8. Shouqin Sun,Thomas H. DeLuca, Jun Zhang, Genxu Wang, Xiangyang Sun, Zhaoyong Hu,Wenzi Wang, Wei Zhang. Evidence of endophytic nitrogen fixation as a potential mechanism supporting colonization of non-nodulating pioneer plants on a glacialforeland. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2022, 58(5): 527-539.

  9. Chenjun Du,Qingjun Guo, Jun Zhang. A review on moss nitrogen and isotope signaturesevidence for atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Science of The Total Environment,2022, 806: 150765.

  10. Andi Li, ThomasH. DeLuca, Shouqin Sun, Jun Zhang, Genxu Wang. Bryophytes impact the fluxes of soil non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases in a subalpine coniferous forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2020, 56: 1151-1163.

  11. Shouqin Sun,Yanhong Wu, Jun Zhang, Genxu Wang, Thomas H. DeLuca, Wanze Zhu, Andi Li,Min Duan, Lei He. Soil warming and nitrogen deposition alter soil respiration,microbial community structure and organic carbon composition in a coniferous forest on eastern Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma, 2019, 353: 283-292.

  12. Chenjun Du,Qingjun Guo, Pengcheng Wu, Zhaoqin Yi, Rongfei Wei, Xinyuan Dong, TeklitZerizghi, Ziteng Wang, Jun Zhang. Estimating atmospheric nitrogen deposition within a large river basin using moss nitrogen and isotopesig natures. Chemosphere, 2024, 347: 140617.

  13. Ziteng Wang,Liyan Tian, Changqiu Zhao, Jun Zhang, Fuhong Sun, Teklit Zerizghi,Rongfei Wei, Pingqing Fu, DarenC. Gooddy, Qingjun Guo. Source partitioning using phosphate oxygen isotopes and multiple models in a large catchment. Water Research, 2023, 244: 120382.

  14. Huiying Hu, Rongfei Wei, Teklit Zerizghi, Chenjun Du, Changqiu Zhao, Ziteng Wang, Jun Zhang, Qiyu Tan, Qingjun Guo. Control mechanisms of water chemistry based on long-term analyses of the Yangtze River. Science of The Total Environment, 2023: 164713.
