


姓   名:张丽霞

职   称:教授、硕/博导





从事动物行为、生理和进化生态学研究,重点关注两栖动物生活史理论方面的进化研究。主讲本科生和研究生生态学类相关课程。持国家自然科学基金项目4项,其中面上项目2项。荣获河南省优秀青年科学基金、Betway官方客服杰出青年基金等资助。在Current Zoology、Forest Ecology and Management、Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Evolutionary Biology, AsianHerpetological Research等国际经典期刊发表论文25篇,参编教材1部。受邀担任Animal Biology, AsianHerpetological Research等多个著名刊物的审稿人。荣获全国优秀青年动物生态学工作者、Betway官方客服优秀共产党员、优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,河南省教学技能比赛三等奖等荣誉称号。


















黄诗 笺卢欣 主编《动物生物学实验指导》第4版.高等教育出版社.


1)Lixia Zhang*, Zi Yang, Fan Yang, Gege Wang, Ming Zeng, Zhongxin Zhang, Mengxiao Yang, Zhanqi Wang and Zhibing Li. Gut microbiota of two invasive fishes respond differently to temperature. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023,20:1

2)Lixia Zhang*, Zi Yang, Mengxiao Yang, Fan Yang,Gege Wang, Dandan Liu, Xuejun Li, Lianlian Yang, Zhanqi Wang*. Copper-induced oxidative stress, transcriptome changes, intestinal microbiota, and histopathology of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2022, 246:114136.

3)Lixia Zhang,Yongsun Sheng, Xiangyu Yuan, Fei Yu, Xueting Zhong, Jiahong Liao, Zhenhao Liu and Wei Chen*.Proximate mechanisms responsible for random mating by size in the Himalayan toad Duttaphrynus himalayanus. Animal Biology, 2021, 71:183–195.

4) Lixia Zhang, Xiangyu Yuan, Yongsun Sheng, Xueting Zhong, Xiaohong Chen,Fei Yu, Jiahong Liao, Zhenhao Liu and Wei Chen*. No male preference for large females in the Asian common toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus): Effect of the sex ratio and breeding system. Asian Herpetological Research, 2020,11(4): 328-334.

5) Lixia Zhang, Xiangyu Yuan, Yongsun Sheng, Fei Yu, Xiaohong Chen* and Dingqi Rao*. Strong Limb Tactics of the Boulenger’sLazy Toad, Scutiger boulengeri: Inferred from Limb Muscles. Asian Herpetological Research, 2020, 11(4): 360-364.

6) Lixia Zhang∗, Yongsun Sheng, Xiangyu Yuan, Fei Yu, Xueting Zhong and Xiaohong Chen. Sexual dimorphism in Scutiger boulengeri, an endemic toad from the Tibetan Plateau.Animal Biology, 2020, 70: 445–457.

7)Lixia Zhang∗,Yongsun Sheng, Xiangyu Yuan, Xueting Zhong and Xiaohong Chen∗.A skeletochronological estimation of age structure of a population of the paddy frog, Fejervarya multistriata, from the central east of China. Animal Biology, 2021, 71: 103–113.

8)Zhang Lixia,An Dong, He Yuxiao, Li Zhibing, Fang Bohao, Chen Xiaohong and Lu Xin∗.Variation in testis weight of the Tibetan toad Scutiger boulengeri along a narrow altitudinal gradient. Animal Biology, 2018, 68: 429-439.

9) Fei Yu, Shanshan Wei, Yang Wang, YingChen Li, Jianmin Ma,Lixia Zhang,Xianfeng Yi. 2020. Asymmetric effects of rodent-mediated seed dispersal on co-existence of tree species via seed–seed interactions. Forest Ecology and Management, 475: 118369.

10)Mai CL, Huang Jin, Liao Q, Liao WB* and Zhang Lixia*. Altitudinal Variation in Digestive Tract Lengh in Feirana quadranus. Asian Herpetological Research 2019: 10 (3): 183-189.

11) Zhang LX, Zhao YY, Shi L, Chen XH*, Lu YQ and Qiao L. Sexual Dimorphism in Mass of the Hindlimb Muscles of the Piebald Odorous Frog (Odorrana schmackeri). Asian Herpetological Research 2014, 5(4): 271–275.

12) Zhang LX, Zhao YY,Yang J, Lu X and Chen XH*. No sexual dimorphism in limb muscles of a frog not engaging in amplexus. Animal Biology, 63: 397-405,2013.

13) Zhang LX, Lu YQ, Lu X and Chen XH*. Age and growth examined by skeletochronology for a stream-dwelling frog Feirana taihangnicus in central China. Herpetological Journal, 23(2): 89-92, 2013.

14) Zhang LX, YangJ, Lu YQ, Lu X and Chen XH*. Aquatic eggs are fertilised by multiple males not engaged in amplexus in a stream-breeding frog. Behavioural Processes, 91: 304-307, 2012.

15)Zhang LX and Lu X*. Sexual size dimorphism in anurans: ontogenetic determination revealed by an across-species comparison. Evolutionary Biology,40(1): 84-91, 2013.

16)Zhang LX and Lu X*. Ontogenetic mechanisms underlying sexual size dimorphism in urodele amphibians: an across-species approach. Current Zoology, 59(1): 142-150, 2013.

17)Zhang LX,Ma XY, Jiang JP and Lu X*. Stronger condition dependence in female size explains altitudinal variation in sexual size dimorphism of a Tibetan frog. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 107(3): 558-565, 2012.

18)Zhang LX and Lu X*. Amphibians live longer at higher altitudes but not at higher latitudes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(3): 623-632, 2012.

19)Chen W, Zhang LX and Lu X*. Pairs during hibernation in a temperate frog: An unusual male mating strategy among anurans. Journal of Ethology, 30: 15-21,2012.

20)Lu X*, Ke DH, Guo YY, Tang SY, Zhang LX and Wang C. 2011. Breeding ecology ofthe Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros at a Tibetan site, with special reference to cooperative breeding. Ardea, 99: 235-240, 2011.

21)Chen W, Zhang LX and Lu X*. Higher pre-hibernation energy storage in anurans from cold environments: A case study on a temperate frog Rana chensinensis along a broad latitudinal and altitudinal gradient. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 48: 214–220, 2011.

22)Chen XH*, Qiao L, Yang J, Zhang LX,and Lu X. Reproductive ecology of the stream-dwelling frog Feirana taihangnicus in central China.Herpetological Journal, 21: 135-140, 2011.

23)Lu X*, Chen W and Zhang LX. Mechanical constraint on size-assortative paring success in a temperate frog: An experimental approach. Behavioural Processes, 85: 181-184, 2010.

24)张丽霞, 盛永笋,袁翔宇,安东,刘振豪,廖家红,陈伟.西藏林芝下察隅镇发现黑眶蟾蜍.动物学杂志, 2019, 54(6): 901.

