


姓    名:陈建军

职    称:教授,硕士生导师




  陈建军,汉族,1975年2月出生,内蒙古四子王旗人,中共党员。Betway官方客服生命科学学院教授,硕士生导师,河南省省级科技特派员、新乡市扶贫科技特派员。河南省饲料行业科技带头人。现任生命科学学院副院长。国家级生命科学实验教学示范中心主任。主要从事资源微生物挖掘、应用微生物、微生物遗传及分子微生物学方面的研究。长期致力于生化物质-微生物肠道菌群互作机制、高产复合酶制剂基因工程菌构建、绿色、无抗发酵饲料的开发等方面的研究,相关成果已经在部分企业得到转化,研发并推出了系列相关饲料微生态添加剂产品,在替抗、改善养殖环境及提升动物免疫力方面发挥了重要作用。先后主持国家自然科学基金等省部级以上等多个项目。主编或参编教材5部,在《Bioresource Technology》、《Theriogenology》、《Molecular & Cellular Probes》等国内外著名刊物上发表论文30余篇,申请或获得发明专利4 项,作为主要完成人获得河南省科技进步二等奖1 项。2017、2018年连续2年被河南省教育厅评为“河南省优秀教师”。








2. 黄河鲤早期性腺分化发育关键期的确定及其基因表达谱分析. 2013-2015. 国家自然基金(U1204329),30万元,主持

3. 通过生物深度发酵技术生产绿色、无抗畜禽饲料的综合研究. 2012-2014. 河南省重点科技攻关计划项目(122102210168),10万元,主持

4. 高表达β-内切葡聚糖酶基因工程菌的构建及高效降解农业副产物的产业化研究. 2015-2017. 河南省重点科技攻关计划项目(152102210081),10万元,主持

5. 自主知识产权绿色无抗功能性微生态产品的研发及推广,横向课题,15万元,主持

6. 《基因工程》河南省一流课程,河南省教学质量工程项目,8万元,主持



1. Chen JJ, Sun DD, Cui H, Rao CY, Yuan RJ, Li LL, Guo SQ, Yang S ,Zhang YR , Cao XL .Toxic effects of carbon quantum dots on the gut-liver axis and gut microbiota in the commoncarp Cyprinus carpio [J]. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO, 2022, 9(1):173-188. (SCI一区TOP,IF=7.839)

2.Chen JJ, Rao CY, Yuan RJ, Sun DD, Guo SQ,  Li LL, Yang S , Qian DD , Lu RH , Cao XL . Long-termexposure to polyethylene microplastics and glyphosate interferes with the behavior, intestinal microbial homeostasis, and metabolites of the common carp(Cyprinus carpio L.)[J]. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022,814(25):152681.(SCI二区TOP,IF=6.701)

3. Chen JJ, Zhao YD , Sun DD, Rao CY, Li LL, Guo SQ, Yang S , Cao, XL .Improvement of intestinal barrier, immunity, and meat quality in common carp infectedby Aeromonas hydrophila using probiotics.AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, 2022, 30: 33-49.(SCI三区,IF=1.684)

4.Chen JJ,Yang S,Alam MA,Wang ZM ,Zhang J ,Huang SS ,Zhuang W, Xu C ,Xu JLNovel biorefining method for succinic acid processed from sugarcane bagasse[J].Bioresource Technology, 2021, 324:124615. (SCI一区TOP,IF=7.539)

5.Jianjun Chen , Nana Liu , Huajie Zhang , Yidi Zhao , Xianglin Cao. The effects of Aeromonas hydrophila infection on oxidative stress, nonspecific immunity,autophagy, and apoptosis in the common carp [J].  Developmental and Comparative Immunology ,2020, 105:103587. (SCI三区TOP,IF=3.192)

6. Ying Chen, Jianjun Chen, XiaoxueSun, Xiaoxiao Shi, Lei Wang, Liyong Huang and Wenke Zhou. Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of EGCG: a potential mechanism of mitochondrialdysfunction and mitochondrial dynamics after subarachnoid hemorrhage[J]. Food & function. 2018, 9: 6350-6360. (SCI一区TOP,IF=3.259)

7. Baohua Li# , Jianjun Chen#(共同第一作者), Qiyan Du, Beibei Wang, Ying Qu,Chang Zhongjie*,Toxic effects of dechlorane plus onthe common carp (Cyprinus carpio) embryonic development. Chemosphere, 2020,249: 126481. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126481.(SCI二区TOP,IF=4.581)

8. Jianjun Chen, Xiaonan Cao, Xianglin Cao. Immunomodulation with probiotics against Aeromonas veronii in grass carp  (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) [J]. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture. 2018, 70: 1479. (SCI四区,IF=0.358)

9. Jian-Jun Chen,Xiao-Hua Xia, Li-Fang Wang, Yong-fang Jia, Ping Nan, Li Li, Zhong-Jie Chang*. Identification and comparison of gonadal transcripts of testis and ovary of adult common carp Cyprinuscarpio using suppression subtractive hybridization. Theriogenology. 2015, 83: 1416–1427.(SCI)

10. X. L. Cao, J.J. Chen, Y. Cao, G. X. Nie, Q. Y. Wan, L. F. Wang, J. G. SuIdentification and expression analysis of a laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 gene from common carp Cyprinuscarpio. Journal of Fish Biology, 2015, 86:74-91 (SCI)

11. Xiaohua Xia, Jianjun Chen, Linxia Zhang, Qiyan Du, Jinsheng Sun, Zhongjie Chang. Molecular cloning and mRNA expression pattern of Sox10 in Paramisgurnus dabryanus.Molecular Biology Reports. 2013,40( 4): 3123-3134. (SCI)

12. Xianglin Cao, JianjunChen, Haijin Liu et al. Study of Enzymolysis Kinetics with Four Kinds of Protein Feeds in Megalobrama amblycephala in Vitro. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2012,11(9): 1378-1384. (SCI)

13. J. J. Chen,Q. Y. Du, Y. Y. Yue, B. J. Dang and Z. J. Chang. Screening and identification of male-specific DNA fragments in common carps (Cyprinus carpio) using suppression subtractive hybridization. Journal of Fish Biology. 2010,77:403–413 .(SCI) 

14. Jianjun Chen, Youli Wang, Yuanyuan Yue, Xiaohua Xia, Qiyan Du, Zhongjie Chang. Anovel male-specific DNA sequence in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio.Molecular and cellular probes. 2009, 23: 235–239 (SCI)





4.生物工程实验技术, 科学出版社, 副主编, 2012年出版。



1.陈建军,曹笑楠,曹香林.一种快速鉴定鱼类出血病的分子生物学方法(申请号:201711438337.0 ),国家发明专利,2017年申请。

2. 陈建军,曹笑楠,曹香林.一种黄孢原毛平革菌漆酶基因的重组质粒载体及重组产漆酶工程菌及构建方法(申请号:201810037232.2),国家发明专利,2018年申请。
