


姓    名:常英英

职    称:讲师 










1. 国家林业公益性行业科研专项(ZDRIF201718), 2017-2019, 结题, 参加

2. 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YDF1000604), 2018-2022, 结题, 参加

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31770710), 2018-2021, 结题, 参与

4. 种质资源圃建设项目(201901), 2019-2022, 结题, 参与

5. 国家重点实验室项目(CAFYBB2019ZY001), 2019-2022, 结题, 参加

6. 国家现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS-21), 2021-2025, 在研, 参与

7. 国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFD160060), 2023-2027, 在研, 参加

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32372746), 2024-2027, 在研, 参与



1. Yingying Chang*,Haoyuan Sun, Shiyu Liu, Yulong He, Shanshan Zhao, Jiage Wang, Tianle Wang,Jiangli Zhang, Jin Gao, Qingxiang Yang, Mingjun Li, Xiting Zhao. Identification of BBX gene family and its function in the regulation of microtuber formation in yam. BMC Genomics, 2023, 24(1): 354.

2. Yingying Chang*, XiaoboSong, Qixiang Zhang, Pu Zhang, Xiaoshuo Lei, Dong Pei. Robust CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene editing of JrWOX11 manipulated adventitious rooting and vegetative growth in a nut tree species of walnut. Scientia Horticulturae,2022, 303: 111199.

3. Yingying Chang*, XiaoboSong, Mingjun Li, Qixiang Zhang, Pu Zhang, Xiaoshuo Lei, Dong Pei. Characterization of walnut JrWOX11 and its overexpression provide insights into adventitious root formation and development and abiotic stress tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 951737.

4. Yingying Chang*, XiaoboSong, Qixiang Zhang, Hao Liu, Yongchao Bai, Xiashuo Lei, Dong Pei. Genome-wideidentification of WOX gene family and expression analysis during rejuvenational rhizogenesis in walnut (Juglans regia L.), Forests, 2020,11(1): 16.

5. Lixiong Liang, YingyingChang*, Junqian Lu, Xiaojuan Wu, Qi Liu, Weixi Zhang, Xiaohua Su,Bingyu Zhang. Globalmethylomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the broad participation of DNA methylation in daily gene expression regulation of Populus trichocarpa.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: 243.

6. Yongchao Bai, Yingying Chang*,Muzammil Hussain, Bin Lu, Junpei Zhang, Xiaobo Song, Xiashuo Lei, Dong Pei. Soilchemical and microbiological properties are changed by long-term chemical fertilizers that limit ecosystem functioning. Microorganisms, 2020, 8: 694.

7. Yongchao Bai, Junpei Zhang,Yue Wu, Ruimin Huang, Yingying Chang*, Xiashuo Lei, Xiaobo Song, Dong Pei. Possibility of increasing the growth and photosynthetic properties of precocious walnut by grafting.Sustainability, 2020, 12: 5178.

8. Xiaobo Song, Qingguo Ma,Ye Zhou, Yingying Chang*, Junpei Zhang, Dong Pei. The complete chloroplast genome of paradox (Juglans major × J. regia), an interspecific hybrid in China. Mitochondrial DNA B Resour. 2020, 5(3): 2087-2088.

9. Junpei Zhang, Wenting Zhang,Feiyang Ji, Jie Qiu, Xiaobo Song, Dechao Bu, Gang Pan, Qingguo Ma, Jiaxin Chen,Ruimin Huang, Yingying Chang*, Dong Pei. A high-quality walnut genome assembly reveals extensive gene expression divergences after whole-genome duplication. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18(9): 1848-1850.

10. Feiyang Ji, Qingguo Ma,Wenting Zhang, Jie Liu, Yu Feng, Peng Zhao, Xiaobo Song, Jiaxin Chen, Xin Wei, YeZhou, Yingying Chang*, Pu Zhang, Xuehui Huang, Jie Qiu, Dong Pei. A genomevariation map provides insights into the genetics of walnut adaptation andagronomic traits. Genome Biology, 2021, 22: 300.

11. 常英英*, 张启香, 宋晓波, 査巍巍, 裴东. 早实核桃体细胞胚发生和植株再生的影响因素研究. 林业科学研究, 2019, 32(3): 34-39.

12. 常英英*, 梁立雄, 高亚南, 吴晓娟, 鲁俊倩, 王庆灵, 丁昌俊, 张伟溪, 苏晓华, 张冰玉. 转多基因 1 年生库安托杨对溃疡病的抗性分析. 林业科学研究, 2019, 32(1): 15-20.

13. 雷夏烁, 常英英*, 张普, 宋晓波, 白永超, 裴东. 核桃JrWOX4b基因的克隆和功能分析. 林业科学研究, 2022, 35(02): 37-44.

14. 何雨龙, 王佳歌, 赵珊珊, 高锦, 常英英*, 赵喜亭, 聂碧华, 杨清香, 张江利, 李明军. 马铃薯Y病毒RPA-CRISPR/Cas12a检测技术体系的建立与应用. 植物学报, 2022, 57(03): 308-319.

15. 李莉, 宋晓波, 常英英*, 张俊佩, 徐慧敏, 裴东.复幼促进核桃不定根发生的DNA甲基化机制探讨. 西北植物学报, 2020, 40(07): 1135-1147.

16. 吴晓娟, 鲁俊倩, 常英英*, 钟姗辰, 苏晓华, 张冰玉. AtMET1基因在84K杨中的遗传转化及诱导表达分析.林业科学研究, 2020, 33(03): 63-69.

17. 吴晓娟, 鲁俊倩, 常英英*, 钟姗辰, 苏晓华, 张冰玉. 转AtDME1基因‘84K’杨的获得及目的基因诱导表达分析. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(06): 26-32.

18. 周乃富, 宋晓波, 张俊佩, 常英英*, 裴东.核桃芽接愈合的组织学机制.林业科学, 2019, 55(06): 37-43.

19. 宋晓波, 常英英*, 刘昊, 徐慧敏, 裴东.核桃不定根发生阶段内参基因筛选与关键基因表达分析. 园艺学报, 2019, 46(10): 1907-1918.

20. 张佳琦, 胡恒康, 徐川梅, 胡渊渊, 黄有军, 夏国华, 黄坚钦, 常英英*, 叶磊, 娄和强, 张启香. 核桃JrGA2ox基因的克隆、亚细胞定位及功能验证.林业科学, 2019, 55(02): 50-60.


1. 李明军, 赵珊珊, 张江利, 何雨龙, 杨清香, 高锦, 常英英*, 赵喜亭. 一种基于 CRISPR-Cas12a 的山药病毒快速检测方法. 河南省: CN202111001396.8, 2021-12-03.

2. 张冰玉, 苏晓华, 常英英*, 黄秦军. 一种培养表面多脂植物外植体的方法. 北京市: CN201610576639.3, 2018-11-06.
