![]() | 姓名: | 陈晓虹 | |
职称: | 二级教授,博导 | ||
办公电话: | 0373-3326340 | ||
电子邮箱: | xhchen-xx@sohu.com | ||
个人简介: |
北京师范大学动物学专业博士,教授,博士生导师,河南省政府特殊津贴专家,河南省高校中青年骨干教师,“河南省太行山动物区系及资源保护利用”河南省科技厅创新团队负责人。 长期从事两栖爬行动物系统分类、生物多样性资源保护及生态学研究。主持国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合重点项目1项、面上课题4项、中央财政国家重点野生动植物保护资助项目1项、国家林业和草原局课题1项、国家林业和草原局第二次全国重点保护野生动植物资源调查课题6项、生态环境部生物多样性调查和监测课题6项、郑州黄河湿地自然保护区综合科学考察项目及河南省科技厅课题6项。在Biological Conservation、Molecular Ecology Resources、Ecotoxicology and Environmental生物学一区TOP等SCI期刊发表学术论文110余篇,命名两栖爬行动物1个新属、8个新种、16个省新记录。 |
研究领域: |
两栖爬行动物系统演化 两栖爬行动物进化生态 生物多样性及资源保护 |
主要学术及社会兼职: |
中国动物学会两栖爬行动物学分会 副理事长 《动物学杂志》编委 河南省太行山森林生态系统野外科学观测研究站站长 河南省省级自然保护区评审委员会委员 |
主持或参加科研项目情况: |
1.基于多组学揭示两栖类对环境变化的适应与进化机制:以黄河中下游过渡区为例(U21A20192),国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合重点项目(2022.1-2025.12),主持人 2.臭蛙属物种同域共存机制及进化模式研究(31872220),国家自然科学基金(2019.1-2022.12),主持人 3.花臭蛙复合体的分布格局及系统地理学研究(31572245),国家自然科学基金(2016.1-2019.12),主持人 4. 以地理种群为单元的中国臭蛙类两栖动物系统分类(31372164),国家自然科学基金(2014.1-2017.12),主持人 5. 臭蛙类的分类学和分子系统学(30870277),国家自然科学基金(2009.1-2011.12),主持人 6.伏牛山区重点野生陆栖脊椎动物资源现状、分布格局调查,中央财政国家重点野生动植物保护资助项目(2022.10-2024.12),主持人 7. 河南太行山区金钱豹资源专项调查,国家林业和草原局(2022.04-2022.12),主持人 8. 穿山甲补充调查,国家林业和草原局(2019.10-2022.06),主持人 9. 河南大别山国家级自然保护区动植物资源本底调查,河南大别山国家级自然保护区管理局(2021.11-2022.08),主持人 10. 京津冀太行山两栖和类爬行类多样性调查与评估,中国环境科学研究院(2019.06-2021.06),主持人 11. 河南省穿山甲调查,河南省林业局(2020.12-2023.11),主持人 12. 2018年两栖动物调查,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2019.01-2019.12),主持人 13. 第二次全国重点保护野生动植物资源调查:太行山东坡南段(Eb01-2)陆生野生动物资源调查,国家林业和草原局(2018.01-2019.12),主持人 14. 第二次全国重点保护野生动植物资源调查:崤山-熊耳山山地-河南(Eb07-1)地理单元陆生野生动物资源调查,国家林业和草原局(2018.01-2019.12),主持人 15. 郑州黄河湿地自然保护区管理中心综合科学考察,郑州黄河湿地自然保护区管理中心(2015.12-2017.12),主持人 16. 生物多样性示范监测,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2017.01-2017.12),主持人 17. 第二次全国重点保护野生动植物资源调查:太行山地-河南(No.29),国家林业和草原局(2016.10-2018.06),主持人 18. 生物多样性示范监测,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2016.01-2016.12),主持人 19. 第二次全国重点保护野生动植物资源调查:秦岭北部山地-河南陆生野生动物资源调查,国家林业和草原局(2016.1-2018.12),主持人 20. 生物多样性示范监测,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2015.01-2015.12),主持人 21. 生物多样性示范监测,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2014.01-2014.12),主持人 22. 生物多样性示范监测,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2013.01-2013.12),主持人 23. 生物多样性示范监测,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所(2012.01-2012.12),主持人 |
学术成果: |
代表性论文: 1. He Yuxiao#, Liao Ziyan#, Chen Xiaohong*, Chen Youhua*. Climatic debts for global amphibians: Who,where and why?. Biological Conservation. 2023,279:109929. IF: 7.497, 2023.03.01生物学一区TOP 2. Lu Bin#, Jiang Jianping#,Wu Hua#, Chen, Xiaohong#, Song Xiaowei#, Liao Wenbo#; Fu, Jinzhong*. A large genome with chromosome-scale assembly sheds light on evolutionary success of a true toad (Bufo gargarizans).Molecular Ecology Resources. 2021,21(4):1256–1273 IF:7.147生态学一区 3. Lv Yan, Zhang Qun-De, Chang Li-Ming,Yang Duo-Li, Riaz Luqman, Li Cheng,Chen Xiao-Hong*, Jiang Jian-Ping, Zhu Wei*. Multi-omics provide mechanistic insight into the Pb-induced changes in tadpole fitness-related traits and environmental water quality. Ecotoxicology and Environmental. 2022,247(114207):1-12. IF: 7.129. 生物学一区 4.Chen Zhuo, Li Hanyu, Zhai Xiaofei, ZhuYanjun, Yuxiao He, Wang Qiuya, Li Zhen, Jiang Jianping, Xiong Rongchuan, Chen Xiaohong*. Phylogeography, speciation and demographic history: Contrasting evidence from mitochondrial and nuclear markers of the Odorrana graminea sensulato (Anura, Ranidae) in China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.2020, 144(2020)106701 IF:4.066 生物二区 5. Xiaohong Chen*, Zhuo Chen, Jianping Jiang, Liang Qiao, Youqiang Lu, Kaiya Zhou*, Guangmei Zheng*, Xiaofei Zhai,Jianxin Liu. Molecular phylogeny and diversification of the genus Odorrana (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) inferred from two mitochondrial genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2013, 69(3):1196-1202 IF:4.066 生物二区 6. Chen Zhuo, Liu Yao, Liang Rui, Cui Chong, Zhu Yanjun, Zhang Fang, Zhang Jie*, Chen Xiaohong*. Comparative transcriptome analysis provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of high-frequency hearing differences between thesexes of Odorrana tormota. BMC Genomics. 2022,23:296, 1-13. IF: 4.547生物二区 7. Chen Zhuo, Chen Junqiong, Liu Yao,Zhang Jie, Chen Xiaohong* , Qu Yanfu*. Comparative study on gut microbiota inthree Anura frogs from a mountain stream. Ecology and Evolution. 2022,12(4): e8854,1-11. IF: 3.167 生物二区 8. Li Hanyu, Cui Cong, Shen Huijin, Zhu Yangjun, ChenZhuo*, Chen Xiaohong*. Morphological variation and its correlation with bioclimatic factors in Odorrana gramineasensu stricto. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2023,11(1139995). IF: 4.493生物二区 9. Li Hanyu, He Wenke, Wang Tonghang,Cui Cong, Zhang Jie*, Chen Xiaohong*. Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed genes involved in the sexual size dimorphisms and expressed sequencetag-Simple Sequence Repeat loci validation in Odorrana graminea. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2023,11(1159037). IF: 4.493生物二区 10. Shen Huijun, Xu Mengyu, Yang Xinyue,Chen Zhuo*, Xiao Nengwen, Chen A New Brown Frog of the Genus Rana (Anura,Ranidae) from North China, with a Taxonomic Revision of the R. chensinensis Group. Asian Herpetological Research. 2022, 13(3): 145–158. 生物二区 11. Shen Huijun, Zhu Yanjun, Li Zhen, Chen Zhuo*,Chen Xiaohong*. Reeva- luation of the holotype of Odorrana schmackeri Boettger,1892 (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae) characterization of one crypticspecies in O. schmackeri sensu lato through integrative approaches. Asian Herpetological Research. 2020,11(4) : 297-311 生物二区 12. Lu Ningning, Gu Ziwen, Chen Zhuo, Chen Xiaohong*. Molecular Cloning,Characterization and Sequence Analysis of KCNQ4 In Large Odorous Frog, Odorrana Graminea.Asian Herpetological Research. 2019, 10(4) 211–218. 生物二区 13. Zhang Meihua, Chen Xiaohong, Ye Changyuan, Fei Liang, Li Pipeng, JiangJianping*, Wang Bin*. Osteology of the Asian narrow‐mouth toad Kaloula borealis (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae) with comments on its osteological adaptation to fossorial life. Acta Zoologica, 2019;00:1–18. 14. Wang Bin, Nishikawa Kanto, Matsui Masafumi,Nguyen Truong Quang, XieFeng, Li Cheng, Khatiwada Janak Raj, Zhang Baowei, Gong Dajie, Mo Yunming, Wei Gang, Chen Xiaohong, Shen Youhui, Yang Daode, Xiong Rongchuan, Jiang Jianping*.Phylogenetic surveys on the newt genus Tylototriton sensu lato (Salamandridae, Caudata) reveal cryptic diversity and novel diversification promoted by historical climatic shifts.Peer Journal. 2018,6:1-29. 15. Chen Zhuo, Li Hanyu, Zhu Yanjun, Feng Qiqi; He Yuxiao, Chen Xiaohong*.Molecular phylogeny of the family Dicroglossidae (Amphibia: Anura) inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2017,71(2017),1-9. 16. Zhang Meihua, Chen Xiaoping, Chen Xiaohong*. Osteology of Quasipaa robertingeri (Anura: Dicroglossidae). Asian Herpetological Research. 2016, 7(4)242–250. 17. Chen Zhuo, Zhai Xiaofei, Zhu Yanjun, Chen Xiaohong*. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Ye’s spiny-vented frog Yerana yei (Anura:Dicroglossidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015,26(3):489-490 18. Chen Zhuo, Zhang Jie, Zhai Xiaofei, Zhu Yanjun, Chen Xiaohong*. Complete mitochondrial genome of the green odorous frog Odorrana margaretae (Anura:Ranidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015,26(3):487-488. 19. Chen Zhuo, Zhai Xiaofei, Zhang Jie, Chen Xiaohong*. The complete mitochondrial genome of Feirana taihangnica (Anura: Dicroglossidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015;26(3):485-486 20. Zhang Lixia, Zhao Yunyun, Shi Ling, Chen Xiaohong*, Lu Youqiang, Qiao Liang. Sexual Dimorphism in Mass of the Hindlimb Muscles of the Piebald Odorous Frog (Odorrana schmackeri). Asian Herpetological Research. 2014, 5(4) 271–275. 21. Zhang Lixia, Zhao Yunyun, Yang Jie, Lu Xin, Chen Xiaohong*. No sexual dimorphism in limb muscles of a frog not engaging in amplexus. Animal Biology. 2013,63:397–405. 22. Zhang Lixia, Lu Youqiang, Lu Xin, Chen Xiaohong*.Age and growth examined by skeletochronology for the stream-dwelling frog Feirana taihangnicus in central China. Herpetological Journal. 2013, 23(2), 89-92. 23. Zhang Lixia, Yang Jie, Lu Youqiang, Lu Xin, Chen Xiaohong*.Aquatic eggs arefertilised by multiple males not engaged in amplexus in a stream-breeding frog.Behavioural Processes. 2012, 91(3):304–307. 24. Chen Xiaohong*, Yang Jie, QiaoLiang, Zhang Lixia, Lu Xin. Reproductive ecology of the stream-dwelling frog Feirana taihangnicus in central China. Herpetological Journal.2011,21(2):135—140. |