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REVIEWImmunomodulation by dietary supplements: A preventive ... 2022-02-17
MiR-92b-3p ameliorates inflammation and autophagy by targeti... 2022-01-18
Metabolic inflammation - a role for hepatic inflammatory pat... 2022-01-05
Comprehensive update on inventory of finfish cell linesdevel... 2021-12-26
Important Role of Autophagy in Regulation of Metabolic Proce... 2021-12-19
Emerging regulatory mechanisms and functions of autophagy in... 2021-12-12
Isthmin-1 is an adipokine that promotes glucoseuptake and im... 2021-12-05
microRNA-378 promotes autophagy and inhibitsapoptosis in ske... 2021-11-11
Anti miR-33 therapy improved hepatopancreatic lipid and immu... 2021-10-18
GABAergic signaling linked to autophagy enhanceshost protect... 2021-10-10
Quantitative proteomics identifies the core proteome of exos... 2021-09-17
Complement-containing small extracellular vesicles fromadven... 2021-09-17
MicroRNA- mediated regulation of glucose and lipid metaboli... 2021-09-17
An improvised one-step sucrose cushionultracentrifugation me... 2021-09-17