郭文丽 博士/讲师
E-mail: biogwl@126.com
博士(2012/09-2015/07): 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室,环境科学专业
硕士(2008/09-2011/07): 河南师范大学,生命科学学院,细胞生物学专业
学士(2004/09-2008/07): 河南师范大学,生命科学学院,生物科学专业
2021/12- 至今:中国科学院水生生物研究所,博士后
2017/11-2018/11: QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute,博士后
2015/07- 至今:Betway官方客服水产学院,讲师
1. 环境污染与健康:环境污染物以及外源因子对鱼类的毒性效应及机制;
2. Ⅱ型草鱼呼长孤病毒的致病机制;
3. 渔业养殖中快速检测产品的研发:通过ELISA、胶体金等方法检测水质、病原体和农残药残。
1.河南省科技攻关计划,162102210071,渔业养殖水质氨氮检测试剂的研制,2016-01 至 2018-12,10万元,结题,主持;
2.环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室开放基金,KF2016-09,PCBs与镉复合暴露诱发草鱼肝脏毒性的机制研究,2017-01 至 2018-12,5万元,结题,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,21707029,环境转化态纳米银诱发斑马鱼红细胞发育毒性的作用机制,2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31,25万元,结题,主持。
1.Zhang, J.*; Guo, W.*; Li, Q.; Wang, Z.*; Liu, S.The effects and the potential mechanism of environmental transformation of metal nanoparticles on their toxicity in organisms.Environmental Science-Nano, 2018, 5(11): 2482-2499.
2.Guo, W., Zhang, S., Liu, S. Establishment of a novel orthotopic model of breast cancer metastasis to the lung. 2015, 33(6): 2992-2998.
3.Guo, W., Zhang, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, D., Yuan, L., Cong, H., Liu, S. An important role of the hepcidin-ferroportin signaling in affecting tumor growth and metastasis. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2015, 47(9): 703-715.
4.Guo, W. *, zhang, J. *, Li W., Xu M., Liu, S. Disruption of iron homeostasis and resultant health effects upon exposure to distinct environmental pollutants . Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 34: 155-164.
5.Sun, L*.; Guo, W.*; Yin, C.; Zhang, S.; Qu, G.; Hou, Y.; Rong, H.; Ji, H.; Liu, S. Hepcidin deficiency undermines bone load-bearing capacity through inducing iron overload. Gene, 2014, 543(1): 161-165.
6.Zhang, S.; Chen, Y.; Guo, W.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, D.; Xu, Y.; Nemeth, E.; Ganz, T.; Liu, S. Disordered hepcidin-ferroportin signaling promotes breast cancer growth. Cellular signalling 2014, 26, 2539-2550.
7.Qian, Y.; Zhang, S.; Guo, W.; Ma, J.; Chen, Y.; Wang, L.; Zhao, M.; Liu, S. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Inhibit Hepcidin Expression through an Estrogen-Like Effect Associated with Disordered Systemic Iron Homeostasis. Chemical research in toxicology 2015, 28, 629-640.
8.Chen, Y.; Zhang, S.; Wang, X.; Guo, W.; Wang, L.; Zhang, D.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, Z.; Xu, Y.; Liu, S. Disordered signaling governing ferroportin transcription favors breast cancer growth. Cellular signalling 2015, 27, 168-176.
9.He, W.; Guo, W.; Qian, Y.; Zhang, S.; Ren, D.; Liu, S. Synergistic hepatotoxicity by cadmium and chlorpyrifos: Disordered hepatic lipid homeostasis.Molecular Medicine Reports, 2015, 12(1): 303-308.
10. Sun, L.; Zhang, S.; Guo, W.; He, W.; Qian, Y.; Qu, G.; Ji, H.; Rong, H.; Liu, S. Sublethal exposure of organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos alters cellular iron metabolism in hepatocytes and macrophages. International journal of molecular medicine 2014, 34, 1395-1400.