狄桂兰 博士 副教授
项目名称 | 项目编号 | 项目类别 | 起止年月 | 主持或参与 |
副溶血弧菌驱动方斑东风螺颗粒细胞和透明细胞吞噬功能研究 | 31640085 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2017/01-2017/12 | 主持 |
嗜水气单胞菌急性感染鲤鱼肠粘膜引起的蛋白质组变化研究 | 152300410206 | 河南省科技厅基础与前沿技术研究 | 2015/01-2017/12 | 主持 |
鲤鱼烂鳃病粘液的功能蛋白质组研究 | 14B240003 | 河南省教育厅 | 2014/01-2016/12 | 主持 |
嗜水气单胞菌感染淇河鲫的差异蛋白质组学研究 | Qd13053 | 博士科研启动费 | 2014/01-2016/09 | 主持 |
鲤鱼急性烂鳃病病原的分离鉴定与综合防治技术研究 | 142102110146 | 河南省科技厅重点科技攻关 | 2014/01-2015/12 | 参与 |
高值海珍品良种培育 | 2012AA10A412 | 国家科技计划863项目 | 2012/01-2015/12 | 参与 |
候选基因法筛选杂色鲍生长SNPs及其与性状的关联分析 | 31101896 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2012/01-2014/12/ | 参与 |
[1] Guilan Di, Xianghui Kong, Guorong Zhu, Shengli Liu, Chao Zhang, Caihuan Ke*, Pathology and Physiology of Haliotis diversicolor with Withering Syndrome, Aquaculture, 2016, 453: 1–9. (SCI二区)
[2] Guilan Di, Xiulian Miao, Caihuan Ke, Xianghui Kong, Hui Li, & Weiwei You*. Protein changes in abalone foot muscle from three geographical populations of Haliotis diversicolor based on proteomic approach. Ecology and Evolution. 2016, 6(11): 3645–3657.
[3] Guilan Di, Xuan Luo,Weiwei You,Jing Zhao,Xianghui Kong,Caihuan Ke*, Proteomic analysis of muscle between hybrid abalone and parental lines Haliotis gigantea Reeve and Haliotis discus hannai Ino, Heredity, 2015, 114(6): 564-574 . (SCI二区)
[4] Guilan Di, Xuan Luo, Miaoqin Huang, Jun Chen, Xianghui Kong, Xiulian Miao, Caihuan Ke*, Proteomic profiling of eggs from a hybrid abalone and its parental lines: Haliotis discus hannai Ino and Haliotis gigantean, Animal Genetics, 2015, 46: 646–654.
[5] Guilan Di #, Zhaoxia Zhang#, Caihuan Ke*, Phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity of haemocytes from the ivory snail, Babylonia areolata, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2013, 35: 366-374. (SCI一区)
[6] Guilan Di, Weiwei You, Jinjin Yu, Dexiang Wang, Caihuan Ke*, Genetic changes in muscle protein following hybridization between Haliotis diversicolor Reeve Japan and Taiwan populations revealed using a proteomic approach, Proteomics, 2013,13:845-859. (SCI二区)
[7] Guilan Di, Jianbin Ni, Zhaoxia Zhang, Weiwei You, Bo Wang, Caihuan Ke*,Types and distribution of mucous cells of the abalone Haliotis diversicolor, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(37): 9127-9140.
[8] Guilan Di, Zhaoxia Zhang, Caihuan Ke*, Jiarong Guo, Ming Xue, Jianbin Ni, DeXiang Wang, Morphological characterization of the haemocytes of the ivory snail, Babylonia areolata (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae), Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2011, 91(07): 1489-1497.
[9]Ke, C., Di, G., You, W., & Luo, X. Perspectives on mechanisms of abalone heterosis: evidence from proteomics approach. Journal of Shellfish Research, 2015, 34(2), 646-646.
[10] Zhao, Y., Jiang, X., Kong, X., Di, G., Nie, G., & Li, X. Effects of hypoxia on lysozyme activity and antioxidant defences in the kidney and spleen of Carassius auratus. Aquaculture Research,2015, 1–13. doi:10.1111/are.12876.
[1]狄桂兰, 柯才焕,张朝霞,倪健斌. 鲍体表黏液的几种免疫酶比活力的比较.厦门大学学报, 2011,50(6):1080-1086.
[2]赵燕静,狄桂兰,孔祥会 *,张杰,李莉,聂国兴,李学军.低氧环境下poly I:C刺激对淇河鲫肝胰脏抗氧化防护的影响.水产学报,2016,40(12):1830-1841.
[3]赵燕静, 狄桂兰, 蒋昕彧,等. 淡水鱼类对低氧的抗氧化防护响应. 水产科学,2016,35(5):591-596.
[4]薛明, 柯才焕, 狄桂兰.饥饿对方斑东风螺形态和组织生化成分的影响.台湾海峡,2010,29(2):205-211.
[5]薛明, 柯才焕, 狄桂兰.食物缺乏对方斑东风螺幼螺代谢的影响. 海洋环境科学,2011, 2:203-206.