


性别: 男

学历: 博士研究生

职称/职务: 教授、博士生导师


所在研究所/科室: 粒子物理与原子核物理研究所








2010.07-至今, Betway官方客服, 物理学院, 教授/省特聘教授






  1. b味介子和重子衰变及相关理论方法研究,河南省自然科学基金杰青 省部重大项目,2021.01-2023.12

  2. 重味强子弱衰变唯象学研究,国家自然科学基金 面上项目, 2019.01–2022.12,主持

  3. 重强子物理唯象学,河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划, 2019.01–2020.12,主持(团队带头人)

  4. 重味物理与新物理唯象学研究,国家自然科学基金 面上项目, 2015.01–2018.12,主持

  5. LHCB介子物理唯象研究,河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划, 2014.01–2016.12,主持

  6. 欧洲大型强子对撞机LHCB介子物理唯象学研究,教育部 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项, 2013.01–2017.12,主持

  7. B介子系统中新物理唯象研究,河南省高校青年骨干教师项目, 2014.01-2016.12,主持

  8. B介子稀有衰变唯象研究及新物理探索,国家自然科学基金 青年科学基金项目,2012.01–2014.12,主持

  9. B介子稀有衰变中代非普适 Z’玻色子效应唯象研究,教育部 高校博士点专项科研基金, 2012.01–2014.12,主持

  10. B→VV 无粲衰变与新物理唯象研究,中国博士后科学基金 一等面上资助, 2011.01–2012.12,主持


1.Qin Chang,Xiaolin Wang and Liting Wang, Tensor form factors of P → P, S, V and A transitions within the standard and the covariant light-front approaches[J],Chin. Phys. C,2020,44(8): 083105,SCI 物理一区

2.*Qin Chang,Liting Wang and Xiaonan Li,Form factors of  transition within the light-front quark models,JHEP[J],2019,12:102, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

3.Qin Chang,Yunyun Zhang and Xiaonan Li,Study of weak decays[J],Chin. Phys. C,2019,43(10):103104, SCI 物理一区

4.Qin Chang,Lili Chen ,Yunyun Zhang,Junfeng Sun and Yueling Yang,Contributions from  to the  decays within the QCD factorization[J], Eur. Phys. J. C, 2019,79(12): 996, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

5.*Qin Chang,Xiaonan Li and Liting Wang,Revisiting the form factors of  transition within the light-front quark models[J], Eur. Phys. J. C, 2019,79(5):422, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

6.*Qin Chang, Xiaonan Li, Xinqiang Li, Fang Su and Yadong Yang, Self-consistency and covariance of light-front quark models: testing via P,V and A meson decay constants, and  weak transition form factors[J],Phys. Rev. D,2018,98(11):114018, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

7.Qin Chang, Lili Chen and Shuai Xu, Study of  and  decays within the QCD factorization[J],J. Phys. G,2018, 45(7): 075005, SCI 物理二区

8.Qin Chang, Xiaonan Li, Xinqiang Li and Fang Su,Decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with improved holographic wavefunction[J],Chin. Phys. C,2018, 42(7):073102, SCI 物理二区

9.Qin Chang, Na Wang, Junfeng Sun and Lin Han, Charmless  decays in the QCD factorization approach[J],J. Phys. G,2017, 44(8):085005, SCI 物理二区

10.Qin Chang, Shuai Xu and Lingxin Chen, Application of the light-front holographic wavefunction for heavy-light pseudoscalar meson in  decays[J],Nucl. Phys. B,2017, 921:454-471, SCI 物理二区

11.*Qin Chang, Xiaonan Li, Xinqiang Li and Junfeng Sun, Study of the weak annihilation contributions in charmless  decays[J],Eur. Phys. J. C,2017, 77(6):415, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

12.*Qin Chang, Stanley J. Brodsky and Xinqiang Li,Light-front holographic distribution amplitudes of pseudoscalar mesons and their application to B-meson decays[J],Phys. Rev. D, 2017, 95 (9) 094025, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

13.Qin Chang,Jie Zhu,Junfeng Sun and Yueling Yang,Study of semileptonic weak decays[J],J. Phys. G,2017,44(1):015001,SCI 物理二区

14.Qin Chang,Xiaonan Li,Junfeng Sun and Yueling Yang,Fits of Weak Annihilation and Hard Spectator Scattering Corrections in  Decays[J],J. Phys. G,2016,43(10):105004,SCI 物理二区

15.Qin Chang,Jie Zhu,Xiaolin Wang,Jun-Feng Sun,Yue-Ling Yang,Study of semileptonic  decays[J],Nucl. Phys .B ,2016,909: 921-933,SCI 物理二区

16.Qin Chang,Lingxin Chen, Yunyun Zhang,Junfeng Sun and Yueling Yang, and  decays within QCD Factorization and Possible Puzzles[J],Eur. Phys. J. C,2016, 76 (10): 523, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

17.Qin Chang,Peifu Li and Xinqiang Li, mixing within minimal flavor-violating two-Higgs-doublet models[J],Eur. Phys. J. C,2015,75(12):594, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

18.Qin Chang,Xiaohui Hu,Junfeng Sun and Yueling Yang,Probing spectator scattering and annihilation corrections in  →  decays[J],Phys. Rev. D,2015,91(7):074026, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

19.Junfeng Sun, Qin Chang(通讯作者), Xiaohui Hu, Yueling Yang, Constraints on hard spectator scattering and annihilation corrections in ??,?→?? decays within QCD factorization[J], Phys. Lett. B, 2015, 743: 444-450, SCI 物理一区 Top期刊

20.Qin Chang, Junfeng Sun, Yueling Yang, Xiaonan Li , A combined fit on the annihilation corrections in B?,?,?→PP decays within QCDF[J], Phys. Lett. B, 2015, 740:56-60,  SCI 物理一区 Top期刊


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