2024国际产学研用合作会议(河南会区)智能分子及组织器官稳态调控论坛 (第二轮通知)
2024 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application
Conference on Intelligent Molecular and Homeostatic Regulation of Tissues and Organs in Henan Province
(Second Round of Notifications)
2024 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application-Conference on Intelligent Molecular and Homeostatic Regulation of Tissues and Organs in Henan Province will be held at Henan Normal University, Xinxiang City, China, on October 25th-27th, 2024. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
一、会议地点/ Conference Address
报到地点/ Registration: 新乡国际中心雷迪森酒店 (金穗大道东888号)/Landison ICC Hotel Xinxiang (888# East of Jinsui Avenue, Xinxiang)
开幕式及分论坛地点/Opening Ceremony and Forum Location:Betway官方客服(新乡市建设东路46号)/Henan Normal University (46# East of Construction Road, Xinxiang,)
二、会议议程/ Conference Agenda
会议日程见附件1,具体日程以会议手册为准。/ Please refer to Attachment 1 for details. The specific schedule will be based on the conference manual.
三、会议期间天气信息/ Weather Information
10月25日/October 25th阴/Cloudy 12℃-22℃
10月26日/October 26th阴/ Cloudy 15℃-23℃
10月27日/October 27th晴/ Sunny 13℃-22℃
四、接站接机/ Pick up at the station
会务组将于10月25日全天安排接站、接机。/The organizing committee will arrange for pick-up services at the airport and train station on October 25th.
接站地点/Pick-up location:新乡东站/Xinxiang Dong Station、新郑国际机场/Xinzheng Airport
联系方式/Contact Information:
1、麻老师/Ms. Ma 15565211236(智能分子分论坛/Intelligent Molecular Forum)
2、张老师/ Ms. Zhang 15736991363(器官稳态与疾病控制分论坛/Organ homeostasis and disease control Forum)
To ensure the success of the conference, if you have confirmed your participation, please fill out the Participant Information Statistic Form in the attachment 2 and send it to the email address oip@htu.edu.cn by October 21st.
五、会务组联系方式/ Contact Information
联系人/Contact person:李老师/Mr. Li
联系电话/Contact number:0373-3326232,15237335445
附件2 Participant Information Statistic Form.docx