10月25日/ October 25th
线下会场报到/ Offline registration
10月26日/ October 26th
开幕式与主题报告/ Opening Ceremony and Keynote Report
10月27日/ October 27th
参会人员离会/ Participants leaving
2024国际产学研用合作会议(河南会区)智能分子及组织器官稳态调控论坛 (第一轮通知)
2024 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application
Conference on Intelligent Molecular and Homeostatic Regulation of Tissues and Organs in Henan Province
(First Round of Notifications)
一、会议背景/Conference Background
智能分子是国际前沿交叉研究领域,开展重大疾病的分子诊断和自动化检测技术研究是精准医学发展的必然要求。本次会议紧紧围绕对环境刺激表现出智能响应的分子及其体系,癌症及呼吸系统等疾病防治策略展开深入研讨,邀请国内外知名院士、专家、学者展开深入研讨,搭建中外高校、科研院所、企业合作对接平台,深化国际科技合作。会议关注外部刺激诱导的分子机构转变、基于分子的功能性系统检测、传感、自愈功能、分子器件和机器、反应-分离体系耦合、功能分子设计与智能制造等领域。会议也将关注细胞能量代谢的稳态调控与失衡机制,探究组织器 官损伤、修复机理,为疾病防治提供新思路。热忱欢迎各位专家学者、科研人员及业界人士出席,共同探讨智能分子与组织器官稳态调控相关理论及应用研究,共绘生物医药产学研用新蓝图。本次会议将于2024年10月25-27日在中国新乡Betway官方客服隆重举行,特邀您拨冗参会。
Smart molecules represent a cutting-edge interdisciplinary research field of international significance. The development of molecular diagnosis and automated detection of major diseases is an inevitable requirement for the development of precision medicine. This conference will closely around the molecules and their systems that demonstrate responses to environmental stimuli and the major needs of cancer and respiratory disease prevention and control strategies, invite well-known experts and scholars from both domestic and international areas, who will engage in comprehensive discussions. This forthcoming conference build a cooperation platform for Chinese and foreign universities, institutes and enterprises, and deepen international scientific and technological cooperation. The conference will mainly focus on the following research directions: 1) molecular structure transformation induced by external stimuli; 2) molecular based functional system detection, sensing, and self-healing functions; 3) molecular devices and machines; 4) coupling of reaction separation system; 5) functional molecular design and intelligent manufacturing. The conference will also focus on the homeostasis regulation and imbalance mechanism of cell energy metabolism, explore the mechanism of tissue and organ damage and repair, and provide new ideas for disease prevention and treatment. We warmly invite experts, scholars and industrialists to attend and discuss the theoretical research and application of intelligent molecules and tissue and organ homeostasis regulation. This conference will be held in Henan Normal University, Xinxiang City, China, on October 25th-27th, 2024.
二、会议时间/ Conference Date
2024年10月25-27日/ October 25th-27th, 2024
三、会议地点/ Conference Location
河南省新乡市Betway官方客服/ Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, China
四、组织机构/ Organization
Supervisor: Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
People's Government of Henan Province
Sponsor: National Center for Schooling Development Programme
Organizers: Education Department of Henan Province
Henan Education Association for International Exchange
Co-Organizer: Henan Normal University
五、会议议题/ Conference Topics
1、智能分子与识别诊疗功能/ Intelligent Molecular and Relating Identification and Diagnosis
2、器官稳态与疾病控制/ Organ homeostasis and disease control
六、会务费用/ Conference Expenses
There is no registration fee for the conference. The conference committee arranges the accommodation, and the expenses will be borne by yourselves.
七、联系方式/ Contact Information
To ensure the smooth organization of the meeting, attendees are requested to confirm their participation by filling in the Attendance receipt (Attachment 1). Additionally, it is required to complete the Basic information of report if you want to do a conference report (see Attachment 2). Foreign experts, as well as experts of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, fill in the information form for these specific groups (see Attachment 3). Please send the documents to oip@htu.edu.cn by September 30th.
联系人/Contact person:李老师/Mr. Li
联系电话/Contact number:0373-3326232,15237335445