[目的]基于 Mowen 3M人格层次模型理论,探讨女性戒毒人员人格与药物渴求之间的关系,进一步分析负性情绪和睡眠质量在人格与药物渴求之间的作用,以及健步走对女性戒毒人员负性情绪,睡眠质量和药物渴求的干预效果,为戒毒工作提供理论依据,方法]抽取河南省女子强制隔离戒毒所148名女性戒毒人员为研究对象,健步走干预时间3月,采用药物渴求问卷(DDQ),艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC),焦虑自评量表(SAS),抑郁自评量表(SDS)和匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQD)进行测试,运用 SPSS 及其宏程序 PROCESS 对数据进行分析处理。[结果](1)女性戒毒人员药物渴求、抑郁、焦虑、睡眠质量指数、神经质人格和精神质人格相互之间在在显著正相关关系(r=0.254~0.437,P<0.05):(2)女性戒人员神经质人格,精神质人格,抑郁和睡眠质量指数均能显著正向预测药物渴求(8=0.254~0.412,P<0.05):(3)睡眠质量和抑郁在神经质人格对药物渴求的作用中存在链式中介效应:(4)健步走干预前后,抑郁(β=0.211,P<0.05)和睡眠质量指数(β=0.226,P<0.01)均能够正向预测药物渴求,证实了健步走可以通过改善女性戒毒人员抑郁和睡眠质景来降低其药物渴求:(5)健步走干预前后不同人格类型间负性情绪、睡眠质量指数和药物潟求的差异均不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。[结论](1)神经质人格可直接影响药物渴求,也可通过睡眠质量与抑郁间接影响药物渴求,(2)健步走对不同人格类型女性戒毒人员的负性情绪、睡眠质量和药物求影响不明显。
[Objective]Based on the Mowen 3M hierarchal model, this study aims to explore the relationship between personality and drug craving among female drug addicts, further analyze the role of depression and sleep quality between per-sonality and drug craving. Finally, this study explores the intervention effects of brisk walking on negative emotion, sleep qual-ity, and drug craving of female drug addicts. The study attempts to provide some theoretical basis for drug rehabilitation.[Methods] The study used the drug desire questionnaire(DDQ) , evsenck personality questionnaireresumplified Chinese ver-sion(EPO-RsC). Sellassessment Scale for Anxiety(SAS), $elf-assessment Scale for Depression( SDs), and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQD to measure drugcraving,persondity,negatiy emotionand sleep quality of 148 female drug addicts who received 3 months brisk walking in Henan Province Women's Compulsory lsolatioland Drug Rehabilitation Center, SPSS and their maero program PROCEsS are used to analvze and process the data. Resultsl(1)There was a signifieant positive cor-relation between drug craving, depression, anxiety, sleep quality index, neuroticism, and psychoticism among female drug ad-dicts(r=0.254-0.437,P<0.05);(2)Neuronicis. depression, and sleep quality index of female drugaddicts could positively predict drug craving(β=0.254-0.412,P<0.05); (3)As for the effect of neuroticism on drug craving,sleep quality,and depression had a chained mediating effect;(4)Depression(β=0.211,P<0.05)and sleep quality index(β=0.226, P<0.01)were positively predictive of drug craving before and after the brisk walking intervention,which verified that brisk walking redues drug cravings amongfemale addicts by improving their deoressionand sleeo guality:(s)There were no differ-ences in negative emotion, sleep quality index, and drug craving between personality types beore and after the brisk walking intervention(P>0,05),[Conclusion (1) Neuroticism can affect drug cravings directly and indirectly through slep auality and depression: (2)Brisk walking has little efect on negative emotion, sleep quality, and drug scraving among female drug addictswith different personality types.
Li Hong,Xu Yaping,Xu Kai,Cao Fang,Zheng Yufeng,Xu Hongqi,Zhao En,Gao Xiaojuan
(1i Hong,Xu Yaping,Xu Kai,et al.The chain-mediating betweenpersonality and drug craving in female drug addicts and the effeet of brisk walking intervention[J7.Journal ofHenan Normal University( Natural Science Edition),2024,52(6):135-147.DO1: 10,16366/j. cnki. 1000-2367.2024.05.14.0001.)
personality; drug craving;sleep quality;negative emotion; brisk walking