耕作方式对旱作区麦-玉轮作体系小麦产量 、 氮素利用和土壤硝态氮残留的影响

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为筛选适合黄河中游旱作区麦-玉轮作体系小麦生产的耕作方式 ,2019年 10月 至 2022年 6 月在洛阳 市小浪底镇进行定位试验 ,设置深松(SS) 、翻耕(PT)和旋耕(RT)3种耕作方式 ,研究了小麦产量特性 ,氮素积累分配转运特性及利用效率和 0~ 200 cm 土层硝态氮残留量 . 3 年中 SS较 RT 和 PT 显著提高了产量 、穗数和穗粒数 , 但降低了千粒质量 . PT较 RT提高产量和穗 数 ,但 对 穗 粒 数 和 千 粒 质 量 的 影 响 存 在 年 际 差 异 . SS不 仅 增 加 了 越 冬 至成熟期各时期的地上部氮素积累量 ,而且可提高花前 氮 素 转 运 量 及 其 对 籽 粒 氮 素 的 贡 献 率 ,最 终 使 蛋 白 质 产 量 较 RT 和 PT分 别 提 高 17. 90% ~ 23. 56%和 7. 92% ~ 12. 98% , 氮 肥 偏 生 产 力 提 高 5. 63% ~ 15. 89%和 3. 09% ~ 11. 00% ,成熟期 0~ 200 cm 土壤硝态氮残留量显著降低 7. 39% ~ 21. 24%和 4. 76% ~ 23. 04%. 综上 ,SS不仅能提高 小麦产量 ,而且能促进氮素积累 、转运和利用 , 降低土壤硝态氮残留量 ,是黄河中游旱作麦-玉轮作区实现小麦高产 高效和环境友好的耕作方式 .

In order to clarify the suitable tillage method forwheatproduction in wheat-maize rotation system in dryland ofthe midstream ofYellow River, a three-yearexperimentwith threetillagemethods, including rotarytillage(RT) , subsoiling (SS) , and plowing tillage(PT) was conducted atXiaolangdiTown, Luoyang Cityfrom October2019 to June2022. The yield,  and aboveground nitrogen(N) accumulation, distribution, transportation, and N utilization efficiency in wheat, and nitrate-N  residue in the 0-200 cm soillayer were investigated.  Over three years, compared with RT and PT, SS significantly increased wheatyield, numberofspikes, and grains perspike butitdecreased the 1000-grain weight. Compared withRT, PT increased wheatyield and numberofspikes, butthe effects on 1 000-grain weight and grains per spike varied among years. Compared with RT and PT, SS notonlyincreased theN accumulation in aboveground parts atvarious growth stages from overwintering to maturity stage ofwheat, butalso increased the pre-anthesisN transportation and its contribution to grains, thus ultimately significantlyincreased grain protein yieldby17. 90%-23. 56% and 7. 92%-12. 98% , thepartialfactorproductivityforN fertil- izerby5. 63% - 15. 89%  and 3. 09% - 11. 00% , however, it reduced the nitrate-N residue in the 0- 200 cm soillayer by 7. 39%-21. 24% and 4. 76%-23. 04% , respectively. In summary, SS shouldbe adopted as a suitable tillagemethod forsimul- taneously realizing high yield, high efficiency, and environment-friendlyin wheat-maize rotation system in dryland ofthe mid- stream ofYellow Riverbecauseitnotonlyincreased wheatyield, promoted the characteristicsofaboveground N accumulation,  transportation, and utilization parts, butalso reduced soilnitrate-N residue.



Fang Baoting , LiYoujun , Yan Guangxuan , LiXiangdong , Ren Kaiming , Hu Chuan , Zhou Qihui , Dong Shiyan, Zhao Kainan, Huang Ming, Cheng Hongjian



品质协同提升工程研究中心 ;Betway官方客服环境学院


方保停,李友军,闫广轩等.耕作方式对旱作区麦-玉轮作体系小麦产量、氮素利用和土壤硝态氮残留的影响[J].Betway官方客服学报(自然科学版) , 2024, 52(5) : 1-9. 

Fang Baoting, Li Youjun, Yan Guangxuan, et al.  Effects oftillage methods on wheatyield,N utilization and soilnitrate-N residue in dryland wheat-maize rota- tion system[J] . Journal of Henan Normal University( Natural Science Edition) , 2024, 52(5) : 1-9. DOI: 10.  16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2024. 01. 06. 0003. 




旱地麦-玉轮作 ;小麦 ;氮素利用 ;硝态氮残留

tillage methods; dryland wheat-maize rotation; wheat; N utilization; nitrate-N residue


S512. 1


耕作方式对旱作区麦-玉轮作体系小麦产量 、 氮素利用和土壤硝态氮残留的影响.pdf
