尽责性对中学生锻炼坚持性的影响机制 : 一个链式中介模型
为考察尽责性与中学生锻炼坚持性的关系及影响机制 ,采用中国大五人格问卷简式版 、锻炼坚持性量表 、领悟社会支持量表和一般自我效能感量表对 2 077名中学生进行调查。研究结果:) 尽责性能够预测中学生锻炼 坚持性;2)领悟社会支持在尽责性和中学生锻炼坚持性之间具有中介作用;3) 自我效能感在尽责性和中学生锻炼坚 持性之间具有中介作用;4)尽责性通过中学生领悟社会支持 、自我效能感的间接作用影响个体的锻炼坚持性 。
In order to investigate the relationship between conscientiousness and exercise adherence of middle school students and its influencing mechanism , 2 077 middle schoolstudents were investigated by using the simplified version of the Chinese Big Five Personality Questionnaire, exercise adherence scale, perceptived socialsupportscale and general self-efficacy scale. The results show that: 1)conscientiousness can be used to predictexercise adherence of middle school students; 2)Per- ceptived socialsupportplays a mediating role between conscientiousness and exercise adherence of middle school students; 3) Self-efficacy plays a mediating role between conscientiousness and exercise adherence of middle school students; 4) conscien- tiousness affects the exercise adherence of middle schoolstudents through the indirecteffects ofperceptived socialsupportand self-efficacy.
刘献国 贾俊杰 张明华 周浩
Liu Xianguoa , JiaJunjie, Zhang Minghua,Zhou Hao
Betway官方客服 a.体育学院;b. 教育学部
Liu Xianguo,Jia Junjie,Zhang Minghua, et al.The impact of conscien- tiousness on exercise adherence of middle schoolstudents:A chain mediation model[J] . Journal of Henan Nor- malUniversity(Natural Science Edition) , 2024, 52(4) : 149-156. DOI: 10. 16366/j. cnki. 1000-2367. 2023. 10. 27. 0001.
国家社科基金(19BTY087) ;河南省教育科学规划一般课题(2023YB0057)
尽责性 ;锻炼坚持性 ;领悟社会支持 ; 自我效能感
conscientiousness; exercise adherence; perceived socialsupport; self-efficacy