黄河鲤 nanog 基因克隆及其表达特征研究

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The transcription factorNanog plays an importantrole in maintenanceofpluripotencyofstem cells and early embryonic development. In this study, thenanog geneofthe Yellow Rivercarp(Ccnanog) was cloned byPCR technology. The expression characteristicsofCcnanog genein differentembryonicdevelopmentstagesand in differenttissuesoffemaleand male adultsoftheYellow Rivercarp wereanalyzed by real-timefluorescencequantitativePCR orsemi-quantitativePCR. The subcel- lularlocalization ofCcnanog gene in ovary and testisofthe Yellow Rivercarp werefurtherdetected byfluorescenceinsitu hy- bridization and immunohistochemistry. The results showed thatthe ORF ofthenanog geneofthe Yellow Rivercarp was 1158 bp, encoding385amino acid residues. Nanog protein contains a conserved HOX domain, which has the highestsequence simi- larity with zebrafish. In theembryo, Ccnanog washighlyexpressed in theunfertilized eggs, from the1-cellstageto thegastru- lastage, and the expression level significantly decreased in the neurula stage, then was basically undetectable from the optic capsule stage to the hatching stage. In tissues, shortsegments ofCcnanog are expressed to varying degrees in multiple tissues headed bythegonads, whilelong segmentsofCcnanog areonlyexpressed in theovaryand skin offemalefish, with thehighest expression levelin theovary, and theirtissueexpression hasa certain genderdimorphism. Itwasfurtherdetected in thegonads thatCcnanog was mainlydistributed in the oogonia, cytoplasm ofthe phaseI, IIand IIIprimary oocytes ofthe ovary, as well as in the spermatogonia, spermatocytes and sperm cells ofthe testis, and their expression gradually decreased with the devel- opmentoftheoocytesorspermatocytes. TheaboveresultssuggestthatCcnanog mayparticipatein theearlyembryosand germ  cells developmentofthe Yellow River carp, providing a reference for the follow-up study ofits function.



Yu Miao, Gang Huihui, Wang Fangyuan, LiMuzi, Wang Yuan, Jiang Hongxia, WangLei, Zhang Meng, Qiao Zhigang


Betway官方客服水产学院 ;水产动物疾病控制河南省工程实验室 ;河南省水产动物养殖工程技术研究中心 



Yu Miao, Gang Huihui, Wang Fangyuan, et al.Cloning and expression characteristics of nanog gene in the Yellow Rivercarp[J] .Journalof Henan NormalUniversity(NaturalScience Edition) ,2024,  52(4) :63-70. DOI:10. 16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2023. 03. 29. 0003.




黄河鲤 ;nanog;基因表达 ;性腺

Yellow River carp; nanog; gene expression; gonad


S917. 4

黄河鲤 nanog 基因克隆及其表达特征研究.pdf
