丹江口库区地表水中多环芳烃的污染 特征 、来源及生态风险评价
为 探 究 丹 江 口 水 库 地 表 水 体 中 多 环 芳 烃(PAHs) 的 污 染 特 征 、来 源 及 潜 在 的 生 态 风 险 , 2020年 9 月 (丰水期)及 12月 (枯水期)分别对丹江口水库 20个采样点的地表水中 16种优先控制的 PAHs进行调查和分析.研究发 现丹江口库区丰水期共检出 PAHs6 种 ,质量浓度为 64. 64~ 360. 21 ng/L,均 值 为 170. 46 ng/L,枯 水 期 共 检 出 PAHs 9种 ,质量浓度为 23.05~202. 11ng/L,均值为 74. 17ng/L;丰水期总 PAHs质量浓度略高于枯水期 . 在丹江口库区不同 水期 ,均未检出蒽(Ant) 、(Chr) 、苯并[a]蒽(BaA) 、二苯并[a,h]蒽(DbA) 、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘(IcdP) 和苯并[g,h,i]苝 (BghiP) ,其余 10种有不同程度的检出 ,其中 ,萘(Nap) 、芴(Flu)及菲(Phe)为丹江口库区检出率最高的 PHAs.从空间分 布情况来看 ,丹江口库区库湾各点位 PAHs含量最高 ,丹库 、汉库及坝前均显著低于库湾. 采用主成分分析法对丹江 口 库区 PAHs来源进行解析发现 ,丹江口库区丰水期及枯水期的 PAHs来源相似 ,主要来源为煤及汽油燃烧或汽车尾气 排放.采用熵值法对丹江口水库不同时期 PAHs进行生态风险评价发现 ,丹江口水库枯水期 20个采样点位均为低风 险 ;丰水期除 S19为中风险外 ,其他采样点位均为低风险.综合来看丹江口水库地表水中 PAHs处于较低风险状态.
To investigatethepollution characteristics, sourcesand potentialecologicalrisksofpolycyclicaromatichydro- carbons(PAHS) in surfacewaterofDanjiangkou Reservoir, 16priority controlPAHswereinvestigated and analyzed in surface waterfrom 20sampling sitesofDanjiangkou Reservoirin September(abundantwaterperiod) and December2020(drywaterpe- riod) , respectively. Itwasfound thatsixPAHsweredetected in theDanjiangkou reservoirareaduring theabundantwaterperi- od, with massconcentrationsrangingfrom 64. 64to360. 21ng/L and a mean valueof170. 46ng/L, and ninePAHsweredetec- ted during the dry waterperiod, with mass concentrations rangingfrom 23. 05 to202. 11ng/L and a mean valueof74. 17ng/L. The mass concentrationsofthe totalPAHswereslightlyhigherduring the abundantwaterperiod than the dry waterperiod. In differentwaterperiods in Danjiangkou ReservoirArea, Anthracene(Ant) , perylene(Chr) , benzo[a] onion(BaA) , dibenzo[a,h] onion(DbA) , indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene(IcdP) , and benzo[g,h,i]pyrene(BghiP) were notdetected, and the remaining 10 were detected with varying degrees ofintensity, ofwhich naphthalene(Nap) , fluorene(Flu) and phenanthrene(Phe) were the most detected PHAs. In termsofspatialdistribution, thePAHscontentwashighestateach pointin Danjiangkou ReservoirBay, and was significantly lowerin Dankou, Hankou and in front of the dam than in the Reservoir Bay. By using principal component analysis to analyze the sources ofPAHs in the Danjiangkou reservoirarea, itwas found thatthe sources ofPAHs in the Dan- jiangkou reservoirarea were similarduring the abundantwaterperiod and the dry waterperiod, and the main sources were the combustion ofcoaland gasolineorautomobile exhaustemissions. The entropyvaluemethod wasused to evaluatethe ecological risk ofPAHsinDanjiangkou Reservoirin differentperiods, and itwas found thatthe20sampling sites in Danjiangkou Reser- voirwere allatlow risk during the dry water period, and that allthe other sites were atlow risk during the abundant water period, exceptforS19, which was atmedium risk. In summary, PAHs in surface water of Danjiangkou Reservoir are atlow risk.
李书印 ,郭文思 ,李瑞雯 ,李天翠
LiShuyin, Guo Wensi, LiRuiwen, LiTiancui
李书印,郭文思,李瑞雯等.丹江口库区地表水中多环芳烃的污染特征、来源及生态风险评价[J].Betway官方客服学报(自然科学版) ,2024, 52(4) : 36-45.
LiShuyin, Guo Wensi, LiRuiwen, et al. Pollution characteristics,sources and ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water of Danjiangkou Reservoir[J] .JournalofHenan NormalUniversity(NaturalScienceEdition),2024,52(4):36-45.DOI:10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.06.09.0001.
Danjiangkou Reservoir; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; pollution characteristics; source; ecologicalrisk
丹江口库区地表水中多环芳烃的污染 特征 、来源及生态风险评价.pdf