通过熵权-TOPSIS法 、空间 自相关分析和多尺度地理加权回归集成建模 ,从新发展理念 5个维度构建 农村高质量发展综合评价指标体系 ,在测算 2011-2021年黄河流域 69个地市的农村高质量发展水平基础上 ,探 究 影响因素的空间异质性 ,进而提出差别化提升策略 . 结果显示 : (1)研究期内 ,农村高质量发展水平小幅上升且由高到 低依次为下游 、上游 、中游 ,各维度表现出明显的波动性和层次性特征 . (2) 发展水 平 具 有 显 著 的 空 间 相 关 性 ,但 聚 集 空间不稳定 ,冷点和热点区分别呈 “中心收缩 ”和 “两级分化 ”态势 . (3) 各影响因素空间 异 质 性 明 显 ,城 乡 差 距 为 主 要 障碍因子 ,教育水平 、土地效率 、资本效率为主要正向因子 . 最后 ,从管理策略 、产业布局 、资源配置等方面提出农村高 质量发展路径 ,为制定农村发展政策提供决策参考 .
The article integrates modelling through entropy-TOPSIS method, spatialautocorrelation analysis and multi- scale geographically weighted regression, constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system for rural high-quality develop- mentfrom the fivedimensionsofthenew developmentconcept. Based on the calculation ofthelevelofruralhigh-qualitydevel- opmentin69 regions of the Yellow River Basin from 2011 to 2021, the spatial heterogeneity of influencing factors was ex- plored, and then putforward thedifferentiatedpromotion strategy. Theresultsshow that:(1)During the studyperiod, thelev- elofruralhigh-qualitydevelopmentincreased slightly, from high to low, theyaredownstream , upstream , and middlereaches, each dimension showed obvious characteristics ofvolatility and hierarchy. (2)The developmentlevelhas significantspatialcor- relation, buttheaggregation spaceisunstable, with cold spotsand hotspotsshowing a centralcontraction and polarization trend, respectively. (3)There is spatialheterogeneity in allinfluencing factors, with urban-ruralgap as the main obstacle fac- tor, and education level, land efficiency, and capital efficiency as the main positive factors. Finally, high-quality development paths in ruralareaswereproposed from aspectssuch asmanagementstrategies, industriallayout, and resourceallocation, pro- viding decision-making references forformulating ruraldevelopmentpolicies.
Zhou Guangliang, Zhang Di
周广亮 ,张迪 . 黄河流域农村高质量发展水平测度及影响因素研究[J] . Betway官方客服学报(自然科学版) ,2024, 52(4) :1-10.
Zhou Guangliang,Zhang Di.Study on the level measurement and influencing factors of rural high- quality development in the Yellow River Basin[J] . Journal of Henan Normal University( Natural Science Edition) ,2024,52(4) :1-10. DOI:10. 16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2023. 05. 30. 0007.
黄河流域 ;高质量发展 ;新发展理念 ;多尺度地理加权回归模型
Yellow RiverBasin; high-quality development; new developmentconcept; multiscale geographically weigh- ted regression model