黄河流域制造业高质量发展的空间格局 演化 、地区差异及收敛性分析

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基于 2010- 2020年黄河流域 73个地市面板数据 ,通过 AHP-熵值法测算各地市制造业高质量发展 水平 ,综合运用标准差椭圆 、Dagum基尼系数及 β收敛模型 考 察 流 域 内 制 造 业 高 质 量 发 展 的 空 间 格 局 演 化 、地 区 差 异及其空间收敛特征 . 研究结果表明 :1)黄河流域制造业高质量发展水平呈波动上升趋势 ,但存在显著的空间非均衡 性 ,始终保持 “下强上弱 ”的空间分布格局 . 2)制造业高质量发展的 重 心 向 西 南 方 向 偏 移 ,并 表 现 为 东   西 向 集 聚 、南 北向扩散趋势 . 3)制造业高质量发展的总体差异略 有 增 加 ,组 间 差 异 是 总 体 差 异 的 主 要 来 源 . 4) 流 域 整 体 及 上 、下 游 地区支持条件 β收敛和绝对 β收敛机制 ,但不同地区的收敛速度和影响因素存在差异 . 基于实证结果 ,从提升黄河流 域制造业高质量发展水平 、缩小地区差距 、促进区域差异化发展等方面提出建议 .

Based on the paneldata of 73 cities in the Yellow River Basin from 2010 to 2020, the high-quality develop- mentlevelof manufacturing industry in each city was estimated by AHP-entropy method. The spatial pattern evolution, re- gionaldifferences and spatial convergence characteristics of high-quality development of manufacturing industry in the basin were investigated by using standard deviation ellipse, Dagum Ginicoefficientandβconvergence model. The results show that:  (1)The high-quality developmentlevelofmanufacturing industryin the Yellow RiverBasin fluctuates and increases, butthere is a significantspatialdisequilibrium , and the spatialdistribution pattern of strong atthe bottom and weak atthe top is al- ways maintained. (2)The centerofgravityofhigh-qualitydevelopmentofmanufacturingindustry shifted to the southwest, and showed a trend ofeast-westagglomeration and south-north diffusion.  (3)The overalldifference ofhigh-quality developmentof manufacturing industry increased slightly, and theinter-groupdifferencewasthe main sourceoftheoveralldifference. (4)Con- ditionalβconvergence and absoluteβ convergence mechanism are supported in the whole basin, upper and lower reaches, but the convergence speed and influencing factors are differentin differentregions. Based on the empirical results, this paper puts forward suggestionson improving thehigh-qualitydevelopmentlevelofmanufacturingindustryin theYellow RiverBasin, nar- rowing the regionalgap and promoting regionaldifferentiateddevelopment.


Ma Zhongdong , Zhou Tongtong, Song Lili , Gao Jiangang

马中东,周桐桐 , 宋丽丽, 高建刚




马中东 ,周桐桐 ,宋丽丽 ,等 . 黄河流域制造业高质量发展的空间格局演化、地区差异及收敛性分析[J].Betway官方客服学报(自然科学版) ,2024,52(4) : 11-21.

Ma Zhongdong, Zhou Tongtong, Song Lili, et al.Spatial pattern evolution,regionaldifference and convergenceanalysis ofhigh-qualitydevelopmentofmanufacturing industryin the Yellow RiverBasin[J] .Journalof Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition) , 2024, 52(4) : 11-21.  DOI:10. 16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2023. 02. 21. 0001. 




制造业高质量发展 ;空间格局演化 ;地区差异 ;空间收敛特征 ;黄河流域

high-quality developmentof manufacturing industry; spatial pattern evolution; regional differences; spatial convergence characteristics; Yellow RiverBasin



黄河流域制造业高质量发展的空间格局 演化 、地区差异及收敛性分析.pdf
