基于 πPS-FBG传感技术的激光超声水下铝板缺陷检测研究
为实现水下金属构件在线服役状态 的 在 线 评 估 ,搭 建 了 一 套 基 于 激 光 超 声 和 π 相 移 光 纤 布 拉 格 光 栅(πPS-FBG)的水下板材缺陷检测系统 . 为了研究水下激光超声传播规律 , 以 6061铝合金板材为测试样品,进行了 不同水深下的激光超声探测实验 . 与空气中超声传播相比 ,实验发现水下 πPS-FBG多接收到一个超声波信号 ,此信 号是激光第一次与水面作用产生的纵波信号 . 随着激励源与 πPS-FBG传感距离的增加 ,超 声 信 号 在 时 域 上 也 延 迟 增加;πPS-FBG接收的激光激励的首个超声波信号的波速为 2 871. 91 m/s,缺陷反射波的波速为 2 911. 02 m/s,其 与铝板中超声表面波的速度接近 ,两者的相对误差分别为 1. 3%和 0. 03%. 改变激励源与缺陷的距离 ,发现缺陷的定 位精度与缺陷距离无关 ,缺陷位置的定位相对误差随着距离的增大而逐渐减小 . 本研究为水下金属构件的在线服役 状态检测提供了一种潜在应用技术(包括在南水北调工程中) ,对于提高水下结构的安全性和可靠性具有一定意义 .
To evaluate the service status of metalcomponents serving underwater, an underwater plate defectdetection system based on laser ultrasound and π phaseshift(PS)fiberBragggrating(πPS-FBG) was developed. To studythe propagation law ofunderwaterlaserultrasound, laserultrasound testing experimentswereconducted on Al6061 sheetmetalatdifferentwa- ter depths. Compared with the propagation of ultrasonic signals in the air, experiments have found that underwaterπPS-FBG receives an additionalwaveform ofultrasonicsignals, which isthelongitudinalwavesignalgenerated bythefirstinteraction be- tween the laserand the water surface. As the distance between the excitation source and πPS-FBG increases, the delay of the ultrasonic signalin the timedomain also increases. The wavevelocityofthe firstultrasonicsignalexcited byπPS-FBG laserre- ceived byπPS-FBG is2 871. 91 m/s, and the wave velocity ofthe defect-reflected wave is2 911. 02 m/s, which is close to the velocity ofthe ultrasonic surface wave in the aluminum plate, with relative errors of1. 3% and 0. 03% , respectively. When the distance between the excitation sourceand thedefectchanges, itisfound thatthedetection accuracyofthedefectposition isin- dependentofthe distanceofthe defect. and the relativeerrorofpositioning on the defectposition decreaseswith the increaseof the distance. This studyprovidesa potentialapplication technologyforservicestatusdetection ofunderwatermetalcomponents (including South-to-NorthWaterDiversion Project) , which has certain significance for improving the safety and reliability of underwater structures.
Guo Guqing, BaiShengkang, TianYali, GongTing, Sun Xiaocong, Zhou Yueting, Qiu Xuanbing, LiChuanliang
Guo Guqing,BaiShengkang,TianYali,etal.Research on defectdetection of underwateraluminum plate by laser ultrasonic based on πPS-FBG sensing technology[J] . Journal of Henan NormalUniversity(Natural Science Edition) , 2024, 52(4) : 46-51. DOI: 10. 16366/j. cnki. 1000-2367. 2024. 02. 08. 0001.
激光超声 ;π相移光纤布拉格光栅 ;6061铝合金 ;无损检测 ;缺陷定位 ;南水北调工程
laser ultrasound; πPS-FBG; Al6061; non destructive testing; defectlocalization; South-to-NorthWaterDi- version Project