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为了弥补传统人工在天然气生 产 、运 输 和 存 储 过 程 甲 烷 泄 漏 巡 检 中 存 在 的 劳 动 强 度 大 、容 易 漏 检 、 耗时耗力等不足 ,提出了一种基于激光遥感吸收光谱 技 术 的 甲 烷 泄 漏 搜 索 系 统 . 选 用 近 红 外 1 653. 7 nm 的 TO 封  装 DFB激光器作为光源 , 以收发一体的卡塞格林光学结构进行发射激光和接收来自反射回来的微弱光信号 ,采用  嵌入式单片机实现光信号的调制与解调 . 以开源 ArduPilotAMP2. 8作为无人机的飞控 ,采用 433 MHz无线模块进  行甲烷泄漏数据实时传送 ,计算机接收端以 LabView虚拟仪器开发了接收应用程序进行数据的接收 、显示和存储 .  以体积分数为 10-3 的甲烷气袋为搜索目标 ,采用 Z字形搜索算法模拟了现场甲烷泄漏搜索实验 . 实验结果表明 ,该  算法具有较高的检测精度和定位准确性 ,能够准确地检测到甲烷泄漏源位置 . 这为天然气泄漏源的快速检测和定位  提供了有效的技术支持 .   

In order to address the limitations of traditional manual methane leak inspections in natural gas production,  transportation, and storageprocesses, such ashighlaborintensity, susceptibilityto missed detections, and time-consuming ef- forts, a methane leak detection system based on laser remote sensing absorption spectroscopy technology is proposed.  A TO- packaged laserat1 653. 7 nm in the near-infrared range is chosen as the light source. The system utilizes a Cassegrain optical structure forboth laser emission and reception of weak light signals reflected back. Embedded microcontrollers are employed for modulating and demodulating the light signals. The ArduPilotAMP2. 8 open-source autopilot is used for unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)control, with a433MHz wireless module forreal-timemethaneleak data transmission. On the computerreceiv- er side, a LabView virtualinstrumentis developed fordata reception, display, and storage. Methanegas bags ofdifferentvol- ume fractions are used as search targets, and aZ-shaped search algorithm is employed to simulate on-site methane leak search experiments. Experimentalresults demonstratethatthisalgorithm exhibitshighdetection accuracy and preciselocalization, ac- curately pinpointing methane leak source locations, providing effective technicalsupportforthe rapiddetection and localization ofnaturalgas leak sources.


贾彦杰,杨旸, 彭睿,王川,孙冬远, 于立成, 田亚莉,邱选兵

Jia Yanjie, Yang Yang, Peng Rui, Wang Chuan, Sun Dongyuan, Yu Licheng, TianYali, Qiu Xuanbing




贾彦杰,杨旸,彭睿等.基于激光遥感的甲烷泄漏源搜索系统[J].Betway官方客服学报(自然科学版) ,2024,52(4):57-62.

Jia Yanjie, Yang Yang, Peng Rui, et al. A methane leak source detection system based on laser remote sensing[J] .Journalof Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ,2024, 52(4) : 57-62. DOI: 10.  16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2023. 09. 24. 0002.




天然气泄漏 ;激光遥感 ;无人机;Z字形搜索

naturalgas leaks; laser remote sensing; unmanned aerialvehicle; Z-shaped search


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