Chloride is one of the important factors that affect the durability of cement-based materials. Accurate meas- urement of chloride ion concentration is important for researching the ability of chloride ion binding in cement-based materials. When cement-based materials was dissolved in acid solution, insoluble flocculent substances may generate which can adsorb some chloride ions and increase the difficulty of accurate measuring chloride ions. Based on this, different measurement meth- ods were adopted for cement-based materials to evaluate the measure effect of chloride ion by experiments. Experiment results show that potentiometric titration is able to avoid the influence of human factors, the accuracy is higher and the repeatability is better, in the case of the electrode was treatment correctly and the instrument was periodic calibration. The titration end point of Volhard method is clear, and the test result is accurate, but the operation is complexity and just suitable for small batch ti- tration analysis. Operation of Mohr method is relatively simple, but the accuracy is not very high. Measurement process of tur- bidimetry is complex and the accuracy is lower, but it is suitable for handled in batch.
毕文彦 万剑峰 管学茂 廖虎 宗文英 马亚芬 蒋荣立
河南理工大学物理化学系 中国矿业大学化工学院 河南理工大学机械学院 河南理工大学材料学院 内蒙古黄陶勒盖煤炭有限责任公司世林化工分公司
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第3期89-93,共5页
国家自然科学基金(21101059 51272068)
莫尔法 佛尔哈德法 氯化银比浊法 电位滴定法 评价
Mohr method Volhard method turbidimetry potentiometric titration evaluation
TQ124.4 [化学工程—无机化工]