近期研究发现,适宜浓度的KK-42处理能显著缩短日本沼虾幼虾蜕皮周期.新旧表皮的更替是蜕皮的重要事件,蜕皮前期是表皮外骨骼结构变化最剧烈的时期.据此,从组织学水平观察了幼虾头胸甲外骨骼结构以及KK-42的影响,定量分析了肝胰腺N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)在KK-42处理后不同时间的活力.将处于蜕皮前期(D1-4)、体长(3.3±0.5)cm的日本沼虾随机分为两组,分别用1.95×10-4 mol·L-1的KK-42溶液(实验组)或不含KK-42的溶液(对照组)浸泡处理1min,处理后不同时间,组织学方法观察头胸甲外骨骼结构,分光光度法测定肝胰腺NAGase活力.结果显示,KK-42处理后第3d,D3期和D4期幼虾头胸甲表皮厚度与对照组相比分别提高29.76%和35.23%(P<0.01);KK-42处理后12h,D3期和D4期肝胰腺NAGase活力显著高于对照组.结果表明,KK-42处理可显著增加蜕皮前期日本沼虾头胸甲表皮外骨骼的厚度,并对肝胰腺NAGase活力具有诱导作用.
Our current study shows that the duration of molting cycle is shortened by KK-42 in the juvenile prawn Macrobrachium nipponense.One of the key events during molting cycle is the replacement of old cuticle with a new one.During premolt the cuticle structure changes considerably,thus the cuticle structure of carapace was investigated by the histological method and the N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase(NAGase)activity from hepatopancreas was quantitatively analyzed using ultraviolet absorption method before and after KK-42 treatment.Prawns with body length of(3.3±0.5)cm were randomly divided into two groups:KK-42 treatment group and control one.The prawns were soaked for 1min in KK-42 solution at a concentration of 1.95×10-4 mol·L-1(KK-42 treatment group)or 0mol L-1(control group),respectively.Afterwards,the carapaces derived from stage D1-2,D3 or D4prawns were separatively chosen to be used to histological observation and thickness measurement of layered exoskeleton,meanwhile,the hepatopancreas NAGase activity was quantitatively analyzed.The results showed that the exoskeleton thickness of carapace at stage D3 and stage D4 significantly increased by 29.76%(P〈0.01)and 35.23%(P〈0.01)compared with the corresponding control at the 3rd day after KK-42 treatment.The NAGase activity at stage D3 and stage D4 significantly increased at 12 hafter KK-42 administration compared to the corresponding control.The results reveal that KK-42 treatment can significantly increase the cuticle thickness of exoskeleton,and promote NAGase activity from hepatopancreas.
吕艳杰 陈香丽 宁黔冀
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第4期130-133,共4页
KK-42 日本沼虾 外骨骼结构 NAGASE
KK-42 Macrobrachium nipponense exoskeleton structure NAGase
Q174 [生物学—水生生物学]