水华蓝藻产生的拟柱孢藻毒素(Cylindrospermopsin,CYN)已经成为一种新型的生物源性污染物,给水生态系统健康和饮用水安全造成了严重威胁.为了有效应对CYN造成的突发性水污染,本研究利用从产毒藻株中提取的CYN,首次系统比较了水处理工艺中常用的活性炭、H2O2和NaClO对CYN的应急处置效果,对比了吸附法和氧化法的处理效率.结果表明,对于初始浓度为217.4μg·L-1的CYN,1 g·L-1的活性炭处理48 h可以达到约70.5%的去除效率,5 g·L-1和10 g·L-1的活性炭在24 h内就可以去除74.6%~88.9%的CYN,48 h的去除效率达到85.5%~94.1%.3种质量浓度H2O2去除CYN的效率无显著差异,且在24 h时就已经基本反应完全,1 mg·L-1 H2O2处理48 h的CYN去除效率为60.2%.NaClO与CYN的反应也在24 h内基本完成,3 mg·L-1 NaClO的CYN去除效率显著高于低质量浓度组,在48 h后达到68.8%.综上所述,活性炭吸附组去除CYN的效率更高,且随着添加量的增加和处理时间的延长而增大;H2O2和NaClO氧化组去除CYN的效率相对较低,但反应速度更快;在水处理过程中,可以将氧化法和吸附法相结合,以满足应急处置的要求.
Cylindrospermopsin(CYN)from bloom-forming cyanobacteria has become a new type of biotic pollutant,posing serious threat to the health of aquatic ecosystem and drinking water safety.In this study,the CYN extracted from a toxin-producing cyanobacterial strain was used for toxin-removal experiment.With an aim of emergency disposal,the removal efficiency of CYN by activated carbon,H_2O2 and NaClO were systematically compared for the first time.The efficiency of adsorption and oxidation methods were also compared.All these three chemicals were often used in water processing.For all experiments,the start concentration of CYN was 217.4 μg·L~(-1).The removal efficiency of CYN was 70.5% at 48 h by 1 g·L~(-1) activated carbon.The 5 g·L~(-1) and 10 g·L~(-1) activated carbon removed 74.6% to 88.9% of CYN at 24 h and 85.5% to 94.1% of CYN at 48 h.The removal efficiencies of CYN were not significantly different for the three concentrations of H_2O2 used in the present study and the reactions with H_2O2 were close to completion at 24 h.A percentage of 60.2% of CYN was removed by 1 mg·L~(-1) H_2O2 at 48 h.The reactions between NaClO and CYN were also close to completion at 24 h.The removal efficiency of CYN by 3 mg·L~(-1) NaClO at 48 h was 68.8%,which was significantly higher than those by lower concentrations of NaClO.In summary,the removal efficiency of CYN could be improved by increasing the additive amount of activated carbon and the duration of treatment.Though H_2O2 and NaClO had relatively lower removal efficiency of CYN,their reactions were faster.The adsorption and oxidation methods could be combined to achieve the requirements of emergency disposal.
杨世敏 段雨琪 蒋永光
Yang Shimin;Duan Yuqi;Jiang Yongguang(School of Environmental Studies,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China;College of Life Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
中国地质大学环境学院 武汉大学生命科学学院
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第5期107-114,共8页
Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金(31500071) 中国博士后科学基金(2015M572349) 中国地质大学(武汉)国家级大学生创新创业训练项目(S201910491142)。
蓝藻水华 蓝藻毒素 拟柱孢藻毒素 固相萃取 HPLC
cyanobacterial bloom cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin solid extraction HPLC
X506 [环境科学与工程—环境工程]