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目的:探讨规律太极拳练习对下肢机能的影响,为预防或延缓老年人下肢功能衰退提供理论依据.方法:选择40名普通健康人为研究对象,随机分为实验组(16周24式简化太极拳练习)和对照组(无规律运动),完成16周前、后下肢本体感觉、肌力、神经肌肉控制能力等测试.结果:与实验前相比,1两组受试对象下肢肌力均有提高,但太极拳练习组等长60°肌力前后比较有显著性变化.2实验组受试对象左、右膝关节运动觉有显著改善,对照组左、右膝关节运动觉均没有显著性变化;两组受试对象膝关节左、右侧三维位置觉实验前后比较均没有显著性变化.3两组受试对象左右侧闭眼单腿站均有提高,但实验前后比较均没有显著性变化.4实验组受试对象下肢闭眼走直线偏离中线长度实验前后比较均有显著性变化.结论:1 16周规律太极拳练习能够明显改善中老年人下肢肌力和本体感觉机能.2 16周规律太极拳练习能够改善中老年人下肢神经肌肉控制能力,但对平衡机能的影响不显著.3 16周规律太极拳练习能够改善中老年人下肢机能,应科学应用到大众健身中,预防老年人跌倒发生.

Objective: to discuss the effect of regular Tai Chi exercise on lower limb function, so as to provide theoretical basis for preventing or delaying the decline of lower limb function in the elderly. Methods: 40 healthy subjects were randomly divided into experimental group(16 weeks of 24 forms simplified Tai Chi exercise) and control group(no regular exercise) to complete the proprioception, muscle strength and neuromuscular control test of lower limb before and after 16 weeks. Results: after comparing the results before and after the experiment, it is found that:(1)muscle strength of lower limbs in both groupswere increased, changes in the isometric strength 60° in Tai Chi exercise group were significant; (2) the kinesthesia of left and right knees was improved obviously in experimental group, but no significant change in control group, and there is no signifi- cant change in the 3D position sense of the left and right sides of knee joints in both groups before and after the experiment; (3) the time of standing on one leg with eyes closed has improved in both groups, but no significant change before and after the ex- periment; (4) the deviation of walking straight with eyes closed changed significantly, compared to that before the experiment, in experimental group. Conclusion: (1)16-week regular Tai Chi exercise can significantly improve the muscle strength and pro- prioception of lower limbs of the elderly; (2) 16-week regular Tai Chi exercise can improve the neuromuscular control ability of lower limb, but no obvious effect on balance function; (3) 16-week regular Tai Chi exercise can improve lower limb function in elderly people. It should be applied in mass fitness to prevent the occurrence of fails in the elderly.


王蕊 李玉周




《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2016年第3期172-177,共6页


河南省科技厅软科学项目(152400410456) 新乡市重点科技攻关项目(ZG15008)


太极拳练习 本体感觉 肌力 神经肌肉控制能力 平衡能力

Tai Chi exercise proprioception muscle strength neuromuscular control ability balance ability


G804.5 [文化科学—运动人体科学] 

