为了解太行山猕猴腕骨三维结构和性差大小.成年太行山猕猴腕骨标本35例(雄12例,雌23例).选择5块主要腕骨(舟骨、月骨、钩骨、头状骨和豌豆骨)的4个形态变量进行测量.数据分析采用SPSS 20.0统计软件,采用Kolmogorov-Smirnov法对数据进行正态分布检验,性别组之间采用t检验.猕猴腕骨有10块,近侧排和远侧排各5块.测量数据呈正态分布.腕骨大部分变量性差显著,雄性大于雌性;左右两侧腕骨性差无统计学意义.推测猕猴腕骨性差与生活习性和运动方式有关.
Sex dimorphism and morphological features of the carpus bones in rhesus macaques from the Taihang Mountains was studied in the present study. The specimens of carpus bones consisting of 35 adult individuals, including 12 males and 23 females, were measured. Four measurements were taken from the five osseous components (naviculare, lunatum, hamatum, caitatum and pisiforme). All the statistics were computed with SPSS for Windows (v. 20.0). The normality of each variable was studied and tested with Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lilliefors test, and an independent t-test was used to test for the difference between sexes. In the monkeys, the carpus is usually composed of 10 short bones, including 5 bones in proximal row and 5 bones in distal row. The data in both sexes was normally distributed. In males, numbers of measurements were higher than in females, and the difference between the average measures was significant. There were no significant differences between two sides. There are significant differences between the sexes; and there are no significant differences between the sides in car- pus bones. Sex differences in the carpus bones of macaques may be relevant to habitats and the patterns of locomotion.
赵晓进 多甜 田华香 胡海洋
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期110-114,共5页
河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目(132300410136) Betway官方客服博士科研启动课题资助(5102109179103)
猕猴 腕骨 形态 性差
Macaca mulatta carpal morphology sex difference
Q954 [生物学—动物学]