In order to study the effects of nitrogen top-dressing at jointing stage on kernel traits at different spikelets and grain positions in winter wheat, we applied 6 levels of nitrogen fertilizer at jointing stage with base nitrogen 120 kg. hm-2dur ing 2011 to 2012 in Xun county. Zhoumai-18 which was the main cultivar in Henan province was chosen as the experimental material. We investigated the grain number and grain weight at different spikelets and grain position of main axis and tiller. The results showed that nitrogen top-dressing affected both sterile spikelet number at bottom and fertile and sterile spikelets rate significantly in main axis, while had none significant effects on tiller spike characteristics. Compared to none nitrogen top- dressing, fertile spikelets per spike and fertile spikelets rate tended to be higher under nitrogen applying at joint stage. And with the nitrogen top-dressing level adding, sterile spikelet number at bottom of tiller increased, and sterile spikelet number at bottom of main axis showed lower. Quadratic curve equation could be used to describing the grain number and grain weight for the rising of spikelet position, and the inflection point was 9th to 10tb spikelet position and 6th to 9th spikelet position, respective- ly. Nitrogen top-dressing at jointing stage increased the grain number per spikelet, but there was no positive correlation rela- tionship. Grain number at different grain position of main axis and tiller tended to be quite different in lower spikelet position, and especially under higher nitrogen applying. Nitrogen top-dressing affected the 1st and 2rdgrain in top and bottom spikelet position and the 3rd grain in spike. The 1st and 2nd grain weight showed higher than the 3rd significantly, but the difference between the 1st and 2nd was not significant. Appropriate nitrogen top-dressing improved the 3rd grain weight in tiller spikelet. In this study, under the treatment of 100 kg . hm-2nitrogen top-dressing based with 120 kg . hm-2, the grain number per spike and grain weight,spikelet weight were all higher both in spikes of main axis and tiller.
马建辉 齐冰玉 姜丽娜 徐光武 李金娜 杨娜娜 李春喜
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期125-132,共8页
国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD14B08 2013BAD07B14 2013BAD07B07)
冬小麦 拔节期追氮 穗位 粒位 籽粒特性