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在确定新疆伊犁地区黄斑星天牛成虫嗜食寄主的基础上,利用GC-MS技术鉴定五角枫嫩枝和叶片的挥发物组分,并利用触角电位反应测定成虫对主要挥发物的电生理活性.研究结果表明,在多寄主植物混栽区,黄斑星天牛成虫更偏好取食五角枫的嫩枝补充营养,更喜好在旱柳和复叶槭枝干上刻槽产卵.从五角枫挥发物中共鉴定到34种化合物,其中萜烯类和酯类物质是主要组分,相对含量分别占挥发物组成的70.49%和23.94%.(Z)-β-罗勒烯、桧烯、β-石竹烯、α-水芹烯和乙酸-顺-3-己烯酯在挥发物组成中所占的比例较高,分别达21.07%、19.59%、7.35%、13.58%和12.99%.在10 mg·mL-1质量浓度下,雌虫对β-石竹烯的EAG反应显著高于其他供试气味物质,雄虫对乙酸乙酯和α-蒎烯的EAG反应最为强烈,雄虫对α-蒎烯和乙酸乙酯的EAG反应显著高于雌虫;雌虫对β-石竹烯和2-甲基丁酸-顺-3-己烯酯的EAG反应显著高于雄虫.本试验在黄斑星天牛成虫感受信息化学物质的角度分析了成虫偏好五角枫的原因,对利用化学生态手段调控该虫的危害具有一定的理论指导意义.

To explore the most appropriate hosts of nutrient supplement and oviposition for Anoplophora nobilis adults in Yili Prefecture, the volatiles composition of Acer mono were analyzed with GC-MS, and the electrophysio logical activities of a-dults towards main volatiles were tested by EAG responses. The results showed that A. nobilis preferred fresh twigs of A. mono for diet supplement and carve twigs to oviposit in mixed plant area. Thirty-four volatiles were identified from shoots and leaves of A. mono-, and terpenoids and esters were the major components, with the relative concentration up to 70. 49% and 23. 94% , respectively. (Z)-β-ocimene, sabinene,β-caryophyllene, a-phellandrene and cis-3-Hexenyl acetate represented a higher proportion in all components, with the relative concentration of 21.07%, 19.59%, 7.35%, 13.58% and 12. 99 % , re-spectively. With the concentration of 10 mg ·mL^-1, the EAG responses of female adults to (3-caryophyllene was significantly higher than the other volatile compounds, and the male showed the most intensively EAG responses to ethyl acetate and a-pi- nene. The EAG responses of male adults to ethyl acetate and a-pinene were significantly stronger than female, while the female adults had more strongly EAG responses to (3-caryophyllene and cis-3-Hexenyl-2-methy butyrate compared to males. This study will contribute to further research of chemical fingerprinting relating to host location of A. nonilis, therefore have a certain practical significance to development plant source attractants.


李广伟 芦屹 陈秀琳 尚天翠

Li Guangwei Lu Yi Chen Xiulin Shang Tiancui(College of Biology & Geography, Yili Normal University, Yining 835000, China Xinjiang Station of Plant Protection, Urumqi 830006, China)


伊犁师范学院生物与地理科学学院 新疆维吾尔自治区植物保护站


《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2017年第2期53-59,共7页


新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2015211C299) 新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划项目(XJEDU2014S062)


黄斑星天牛 寄主选择 植物挥发物 触角电位反应 嗅觉通讯

Anoplophora nobilis host selection plant volatiles electroantennogram responses olfactory communica-tion


S763.3 [农业科学—森林保护学] 

