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选取在云南高黎贡山赧亢、板场和保山市隆阳区太保公园中录制的东白眉长臂猿3组鸣声,用cool edie pro 2.0软件进行原始数据文件处理,再通过Raven pro 1.4软件进行声谱分析,得到图形化文件.据声谱分析结果,东白眉长臂猿二重唱中,雄性的鸣叫序列包括开始音节、重复音节和调节音节;调节音节根据第二个音节的频率变化分为强调音节和弱调音节.雌性的鸣唱序列分为重复音节和激动鸣叫,其激动鸣叫又可分为成功的激动鸣叫和失败的激动鸣叫.比较东白眉长臂猿与东、西黑冠长臂猿的鸣声,发现雌性东白眉长臂猿能够发出黑冠长臂猿雌性个体没有的重复音节.此外,雌性东白眉长臂猿失败的激动鸣叫的出现频率非常高,在一次完整的二重唱中都会存在雌性东白眉长臂猿失败的激动鸣叫,而东黑冠长臂猿的二重唱中没有.

It was selected that three group song records of eastern hoolock gibbon {Hoolock leuconedys) from Nankang, Banchang at Mt. Gaoligong and Taibao Park in Longyang District of Baoshan City. The song record would be analysed by soft-ware cool Edie Pro 2. 0 and Raven Pro 1. 4. The sound spectrum would be kept as graphical files. According to the results of sound spectrum of eastern hoolock gibbon, the male song sequence could include start, repeat and adjustment of syllables in the duet structure. According to the frequency of the second syllables, the adjustment of syllables could be divided into stressed syllables and weak tones. Female song sequence is divided into repeating syllables and excited tweets. The excited tweets could be divided into the success and failure excited tweets. Comparison sound spectrum of eastern hoolock gibbon with east and west black crested gibbons, it was found that female of eastern hoolock gibbon could send out the repeat syllables that could not send out by female individual east and west black crested gibbons. In addition, the failure excited tweets of female eastern hoolock gibbons appeared in very high frequency. In a complete duet of eastern hoolock gibbon, there were failed excited tweet which could not be found from a duet in the female eastern black crested gibbon.


李旭 周伟 彭超 李云臣

Li Xu Zhou Wei Peng Chao Li Yunchen(College of Forestry, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224,China Kunming Zoo, Kunming 650021, China)


西南林业大学林学院 昆明动物园


《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2017年第2期71-76,共6页


云南省林业厅2015年极小种群物种拯救保护项目 2016年云南省野生动植物保护项目([2016]1号) 云南省林学一流必威官方首页手机版和必威手机app下载安装项目(51600625)


东白眉长臂猿 声谱分析 二重唱 鸣声比较 黑冠长臂猿

eastern hoolock gibbon (Hoolock sound spectrum analysis duet comparison song black cres-ted gibbon


Q959.8 [生物学—动物学] 

