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类结瘤素基因在非结瘤植物生长发育中承担着重要的功能,但仅少数基因的功能被鉴定.本研究对拟南芥类结瘤素MtN21(Medicago truncatula NODULIN 21)家族成员At1g01070进行了生物信息学分析及亚细胞定位验证.结果表明,At1g01070有两种可变剪切体,编码两种蛋白At1g01070.1和At1g01070.2,前者比后者在N端多47个氨基酸,它们的分子量分别为40KD和35KD,等电点分别为9.2和8.9;均含有2个MtN21蛋白的特征结构域EamA(药物/代谢物转运结构域),At1g01070.1比At1g01070.2多一个PLN00411结构域,且其靠近N端的EamA结构域较后者长;三级结构均由7个α-螺旋和一些不规则卷曲组成,分别含有10个和8个疏水跨膜区,均含13个磷酸化修饰位点,亚细胞定位预测主要定位在质膜;进化上,与琴叶拟南芥(Arabidopsis lyrata)亲缘关系最近;亚细胞定位结果显示At1g01070.1定位在质膜,与预测结果一致.推测At1g01070在植物体内可能参与物质运输.

Recent studies highlight the importance of nodulin-like genes during development of plants that are unable to nodulate. However, only few gene functions were identified. In this study, A tlg01010 , a member of MtN21 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana , was analyzed with bioinformatics methods and the subcellular localization of it was determined. The re-sults showed that Atlg01010 undergoes alternative splicing to produce two splice variants encoding Atlg01070. 1 and Atlg01070. 2 respectively. The molecular weights of Atlg01070. 1 and Atlg01070. 2 are 40 KD and 35 KD respectively. The i-soelectric points of them are 9. 2 and 8. 9 respectively. The two proteins both contain two drug/metabolite domains named Ea- mA, a characteristic domain of MtN21 protein family. Atlg01070. 1 has a specific PLN00411 domain and its EamA domain at N terminal is longer than that of Atlg01070. 2. The two proteins have similar tertiary structure containing seven a-helicals and some random coils. They exhibit strong hydrophobicity with ten and eight a-helical transmembrane-spanning domains respec-tively. There were thirteen phosphorylation sites in Atlg01070 protein. The two proteins are predicted to localize to the plasma membrane most likely. To confirm this, Atlg01070. 1 : :GFP fusion protein was transiently expressed in tobacco. The observed results were in agreement with the prediction. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Atlg01070 had the highest evolutionary rela-tionship with predicted protein in Arabidopsis lyrata. The results suggested that A tlg01010 may be involved in the transport of solutes in plants.


王丽 袁园园 赵盼盼 常卫东 王俐锋 王林嵩




《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2017年第3期58-64,共7页


国家自然科学基金(31601241) 河南省高校科技创新团队(15IRTSTHN020) Betway官方客服博士科研启动基金(39970774)


类结瘤素基因 At1g01070 MtN21 生物信息学分析 亚细胞定位

nodulin-like gene Arlg01070 MtN21 bioinformatic analysis subcellular localization


Q945.31 [生物学—植物学] 

