Different from traditional physical approaches,machine learning technics are widely applied in various fields benefitted from their high accuracy and efficiency in detection and classification of complex data sets.Identifying phase transitions are the most typical works in the field of combination of machine learning and statistical physics.So far,researches are mainly focused on the spin models with dynamical evolutions,such as Ising model.However,a more general type of phase transition models,such as the percolation model,which is not determined by dynamical evolutions but the intrinsic property of itself,has not been researched yet.In this article,combined with the new machine learning methods,the convolutional neural network and the general vector machine,we study the two-dimensional square-lattice site percolation model.We find that well-designed networks can identify different configurations with a high accuracy,which proves that machine learning works on this problem.Then,by calculating accuracies of our networks for identifying configurations on different parameters,we find the accuracy drops near the critical point in both models,and this decay follows the power-law with the parameter,which is corresponding to the traditional phase transition theory.We calculated the exponents of the power-law and find the exponents are nearly the same in both different models.Our research does not only reveal the universality of phase transitions,but also provides a new way to find the critical point.
徐荣幸 赵鸿
Xu Rongxing;Zhao Hong(Department of Physics,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第1期45-51,共7页
机器学习 卷积神经网络 一般向量机 座逾渗 相变 正确率 标度关系
machine learning convolutional neural network general vector machine site percolation phase transition accuracy scaling relation
O414.21 [理学—理论物理] TP319.4 [自动化与计算机技术—计算机软件与理论]