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通过两步液相法合成了生长在泡沫镍上的具有多孔结构的纳米Ni3S2,分别用XRD,SEM对材料进行了物相和微观形貌表征,并利用电化学工作站测试了其电化学性能.实验结果表明,利用(NH4)2S2O8氧化泡沫镍时反应温度应在70℃以上,反应时间在3 h以上,合成的电极材料表面呈多孔薄层的三维结构,孔径大小分布广,并且薄层之间没有互相重叠的现象.循环伏安曲线及恒流充放电曲线显示,Ni3S2电极材料具有良好的可逆性,明显的电池电容特点.当电流密度增大10倍时,比电容只下降了35.5%,具有良好的倍率性能.由交流阻抗谱图可知,高频区电阻率为0.91Ω,低频区直线斜率大,表明材料具有良好的导电性.当电极材料充放电次数从0增加到1 000次时,比电容由1 015.4 F g^-1增加到1 222.7 F g^-1,增加了20.4%,表明制备的Ni3S2具有良好的循环稳定性.

The nano-Ni3S2 with porous structure grown on nickle foam was synthesized by two-step liquid phase method.The phase and microstructure of the material were characterized by XRD and SEM,and the electrochemical properties were tested by electrochemical workstation.When the reaction temperature and reaction time of nickel foams oxidized by(NH 4)2S2O8 was more than 70℃and 3 h,respectively.The surface of the synthesized electrode material was a porous thin layer 3D structure with wide pore size distribution.There was no overlap between them.The cyclic voltammetry curve and the constant current charge-discharge curve showed that the Ni3S2 electrode material has good reversibility and obvious battery capacitance characteristics.When the current density increased by ten times,the specific capacitance decreased by only 35.5%,indicating that the synthesized electrode material has good multiplier performance.It can be seen from the AC impedance spectrum that the high-frequency region resistivity was 0.91Ω,and the linear slope of the low-frequency region was large,indicating that the material had good conductivity.When the number of charge and discharge times of the electrode material increased from 0 to 1 000 times,the specific capacitance increased from 1 015.4 F g^-1 to 1 222.7 F g^-1,which was increased by 20.4%,indicating that the prepared Ni3S2 had good cycle stability.


李顺英 陈新

Li Shunying;Chen Xin(Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education,Shanghai Key Laboratory of advanced Polymeric Materials,School of Materials Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China)




《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2019年第6期76-81,共6页


上海市重点学科和重点实验室项目(B502 08DZ2230500)


泡沫镍 多孔纳米Ni3S2 电化学性能 电池电容

nickel foam porous nano Ni 3S 2 electrochemical performance battery capacitance


O646 [理学—物理化学] 

