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为了对枝江市公园绿地提出改善意见并为周边地区公园绿地的建设提供参考依据,采用典型样方法,以枝江市8个具有代表性的公园绿地为对象,以690个10 m×10 m样方开展植物多样性现状调查分析.结果表明:8个公园共有77科122属193种,植物多样性总体趋势由多到少为:乔木层,灌木层,草本层;植物多样性指数由大小到为:综合公园,带状公园,专类公园.枝江市与其他城市公园绿地多样性指数相比:综合公园在灌木层、草本层植物异质性偏低,应合理增加植物种类及数量;带状公园的灌木层、草本层植物种类偏少,可增加植物种类应用;乔木层及草本层物种多样性不够丰富,应增加垂直绿化层次的植物种类;专类公园植物种类少,群落结构简单,可增加其他植物种类的应用.

In order to put forward suggestions for improvement of park green space in Zhijiang City and provide reference basis for the construction of park green space in surrounding areas, 690 10 m ×10 m sample plots were selected to investigate and analyze the current situation of plant diversity with the typical sample method, taking 8 representative park green spaces in Zhijiang City as the object. The results showed that there were 193 species belonging to 122 genera and 77 families in the eight parks, and the overall trend of plant diversity was as follows: arbor layer > shrub layer > herb layer. The order of plant diversity index is: comprehensive park > belt park > specialized park. Compared with the diversity index of parks and greenbelts in other cities, the heterogeneity of plants in shrub layer and herb layer in comprehensive parks is relatively low and the plant species and quantity should be reasonably increased. The species of shrubs and herbs in the belt park are few, which can increase the application of plant species. The species diversity of trees and herbs is not rich enough, so the plant species in the vertical greening level should be increased. Special parks have few plant species and simple community structure, which can increase the application of other species.


周子莉 朱桂才

Zhou Zili;Zhu Guicai(Yangtze University,College of Horticulture and Gardening,Jingzhou 434025,China;Yangtze University,Institute of Plant Ecology and Environmental Remediation,Jingzhou 434025,China)


长江大学园艺园林学院 长江大学植物生态与环境修复研究所


《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2020年第2期105-112,共8页


湖北省科技攻关计划(201413BB022) 长江大学乡村振兴规划团队项目(2018-12).


园林植物 植物多样性 公园绿地 枝江市

garden plants plant diversity park green space Zhijiang City


S718.54 [农业科学—林学]  S731.2 [农业科学—林学] 

