以水热法合成的ZnO纳米棒花为载体,将C3N4定量负载在其表面,制备C3N4/ZnO复合材料.由于C3N4与ZnO的能级匹配,可有效促进其光生电荷的分离,降低光生电荷复合率,显著提高载流子浓度,使其光电流明显增加.C3N4与ZnO质量比为2%的样品(2%C3N4/ZnO)性能最佳,其光电流在370 nm处可达120μA,为纯ZnO的2.4倍.在室温可见光下,2%C3N4/ZnO样品对HCHO的光电气敏响应值可达122%,比纯ZnO高4倍左右.结果表明,适量C3N4的负载有效延长了光生电荷的寿命,使ZnO材料在可见光区对HCHO气体表现出高效的光电气敏性能.
ZnO nanorod flowers was prepared by using hydrothermal method,different amounts of C3N4 loaded on its surface and then C3N4/ZnO composite materials were fabricated.Since the energy level matching between ZnO and C3N4,the composite can effectively promote the separation of photogenerated charge,reduce the photogenerated charge recombination rate and significantly increase the carrier concentration,these make the photocurrent of the composite increase dramatically.The C3N4/ZnO sample with the mass ratio of 2%(2%C3N4/ZnO)demonstrated the best performance,its photocurrent can achieve 120 μA at 370 nm,that is 2.4 times than pure ZnO.At room temperature and under visible light irradiated,the photoelectric gas-sensing response value of 2%C3N4/ZnO sample to HCHO can attain 122%,which is about 4 times higher than that of pure ZnO.The results show that the appropriate amount of C3N4 loaded can effectively prolong the life of photogenerated charge and enable ZnO material to exhibit high photoelectric gas-sensing to HCHO in the visible region.
崔佳宝 毛停停 陈俊霞 潘楠楠 娄向东
Cui Jiabao;Mao Tingting;Chen Junxia;Pan Nannan;Lou Xiangdong(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China)
《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期66-72,共7页
国家自然科学基金(21573059) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(18A150033) Betway官方客服博士启动基金(qd17121,qd16109).
ZNO C3N4 可见光 HCHO 光电气敏
ZnO C3N4 visible light HCHO photoelectric gas-sensing
O643.36 [理学—物理化学]