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2020年4月新冠肺炎疫情肆虐期间对武汉市11个湖泊进行了浮游动物采集,同步测定了水体常规理化因子及消毒副产物含量.共检出浮游动物133种,其中原生动物32种,轮虫58种,枝角类28种,桡足类15种,密度范围为20.90 ind./L~23108.50 ind./L.基于主坐标分析(PCoA),所有采样点聚为4个类群:A类群以甲壳类动物为主(55.13%),其丰度远高于其他水体,其中无节幼体优势度最高(0.30);B类群原生动物和轮虫占优势;C,D类群均以长肢多肢轮虫Polyarthra dolichoptera为主,优势度分别为0.50和0.23.方差分解(VPA)显示常规理化因子与消毒副产物(DBPs)对浮游动物群落组成变化的解释度分别为21.3%和2.5%;Mantel test显示氮,磷,CODMn,Chl a,卤乙酸HAAs,亚硝胺类物质NAs含量与浮游动物群落组成具有显著相关性.研究表明,疫情期间营养盐含量,Chl a,CODMn浓度是影响浮游动物群落组成的关键因素,但消毒副产物对浮游动物群落组成的影响不可忽视.

Zooplankton was sampled from 11 lakes and in situ routine physicochemical factors and disinfectants by products(DBPs)were measured in April 2020.A total of 133 zooplankton species were identified,of which 32 species were recorded as protozoa,58 species as rotifera,28 species as cladocera,and 15 of them as copepoda.The zooplankton abundance ranged from 20.90 ind./L to 23108.50 ind./L.The spatial distribution characteristic of zooplankton was analyzed by using the principal co-ordinates analysis(PCoA)and the relationship between the zooplankton composition and abundance and the various environmental factors was studied by using Variance partitioning analysis(VPA)and Mantel test.The results showed that the zooplankton communities in all sampling sites were clustered into four groups.The relative abundance of crustaceans in Group A(55.13%)was much higher than others.The dominant taxa in waters of Group A was Nauplius.The dominant taxa in waters of Group B were protozoa and rotifera.The dominant taxa in waters of Group C and D was Polyarthra dolichoptera.The VPA indicated that the routine physics and chemistry index and DBPs content could explained 21.3%and 2.5%of variations of zooplankton community structure respectively.The Mantel test analysis indicated that the content of nitrogen,phosphorus,Chl a,CODMn,HAAs,NAs was the key factors explaining best of the four types of zooplankton community structure.Our study revealed that the content of nitrogen,phosphorus,Chl a,CODMn was the determining factors on zooplankton community composition,but DBPs also had negligible effects on zooplankton community composition in lakes of Wuhan during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

宋高飞 朱宇轩 米武娟 Anila PAjayan 毕永红

Song Gaofei;Zhu Yuxuan;Mi Wujuan;Anila PAjayan;Bi Yonghong(State Key Laboratory of Fresh Water Ecology and Biotechnology,Institute of Hydrobiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430072,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)

中国科学院淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室 中国科学院大学

《Betway官方客服学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心  2022年第3期135-142,共8页

Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition)

国家自然科学基金(51609239) 中国博士后科学基金面上基金(2016M602394).

武汉 湖泊 浮游动物 群落结构 消毒副产物

Wuhan lake zooplankton community structure DBPs

Q178 [生物学—水生生物学] 

