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The second to fourth finger length ratio(D_2∶D_4)is thought to be related to diverse traits including athletic ability. To examine the relationship between D_2∶D_4 and sports ability in tennis players and college students. The length of the right hand fingers were measured in vivo to estimate D_2∶D_4. Tennis players and ordinary college students were used as the independent variable, and right-hand D_2∶D_4 ratios and gender were used as the dependent variable. All the statistics were computed with binary logistic regression model and tree model. Results showed that the D_2∶D_4 of tennis players were significantly lower than those of ordinary college students.
关键词(KeyWords): 网球运动员;指长比;Logistic回归
tennis player;finger length ratio;Logistic regression
基金项目(Foundation): 国家社科基金(21BTY102);; 河南省教育科学规划项目(2022YB0068)
作者(Authors): 闫丽敏;
Yan Limin;Department of Physical Education, Henan Normal University;
DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.019