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This study analyzed the effects of 12-week aerobic exercise intervention on obesity, cardiopulmonary fitness and metabolic syndrome in 82 obese middle-aged women. After 12 weeks of aerobic exercise intervention, obesity indexes and cardiopulmonary fitness levels showed significant differences over time. TC and blood glucose showed significant differences with time, TG and blood glucose had interaction between time and groups. The changes of oral glucose tolerance test had interaction in time and between groups, and the blood glucose level was effectively reduced. The results suggest that a 12-week aerobic exercise intervention has a positive health effect on obese middle-aged women, especially obese people with poor metabolic health has a relatively large kinematic effect on TG, glucose and glucose tolerance.
关键词(KeyWords): 代谢健康状况;有氧运动;肥胖;心肺适能;代谢综合征
metabolic health status;aerobic exercise;obesity;cardiopulmonary fitness;metabolic syndrome
基金项目(Foundation): 国家社科基金(21BTY113);; 河南省软科学研究计划项目(222400410366)
作者(Authors): 张高飞;王琳琳;向云平;王二霞;
Zhang Gaofei;Wang Linlin;Xiang Yunping;Wang Erxia;Physical Education College, Zhoukou Normal University;
DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.020