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Three-dimensional structure is the basis of functional analysis of biological macromolecules. In-depth study of the atomic framework, and determination of structure, function and evolutionary roots of biological macromolecules are helpful to guide the treatment of diseases and the development of target drugs. Protein is the material undertaker and embodiment of life activities. The structure analysis is the premise to clarify the function and action mechanism of protein. This paper briefly summarizes four existing methods of protein structure from the aspects of principle, development process, advantages and disadvantages, for example X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, Cryo-electron microscope and AlphaFold, which is an artificial intelligence system for protein structure prediction based on big data, in order to review the development history of structural biology and systematically sort out the current development status of protein structure analysis.
关键词(KeyWords): 蛋白质三维结构;X射线衍射;核磁共振;冷冻电子显微镜;AlphaFold
three-dimensional structure of protein;X-ray diffraction;nuclear magnetic resonance;Cryo-electron microscope;AlphaFold
基金项目(Foundation): 国家自然科学基金(31670743)
作者(Authors): 徐甲强;崔倩倩;
Xu Jiaqiang;Cui Qianqian;Department of Chemistry, College of Science; Novel Energy and Sensing Technology Lab, Shanghai University;Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.015