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水体富营养化和蓝藻水华已经成为全球性的水生态危害.形成水华的蓝藻一般都具有气囊,能调节自身浮力营漂浮生活.在中国高原湖泊洱海的水体样品中成功分离到一株具有气囊的浮游性丝状蓝藻,该藻株在形态学上与鞘丝藻类相似,基于16S rRNA的分子特征和系统发育分析表明,该藻株与泽鞘丝藻属的物种形成了一个支持度良好的进化分支.该藻株与泽鞘丝藻属的所有物种16S rRNA基因序列相似度均大于99.8%,进一步支持其成为泽鞘丝藻属的一个成员.该属也是我国首次报道的新记录属.
Water eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms have become major ecological problems around the world. The bloom-forming cyanobacteria generally contain gas vesicles within their cells, which can adjust their own buoyancy and are planktonic in water. In this study, a gas vesicles containing cyanobacterial strain was successfully isolated from a water sample of Erhai Lake, a plateau lake in China. This filamentous cyanobacterial strain was morphologically similar to Lyngbya-like cyanobacteria. And the molecular characteristics and phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene showed that this studied strain formed a well-supported evolutionary cluster with species of Limnoraphis. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities among this strain and all Limnoraphis spp. were over 99.8%, further supporting it to be a member of the genus Limnoraphis. The genus Limnoraphis is a newly recorded genus in China.
关键词(KeyWords): 泽鞘丝藻属;蓝藻;气囊;分类;系统发育
Limnoraphis;cyanobacteria;gas vesicle;taxonomy;phylogeny
基金项目(Foundation): 国家自然科学基金(31970219);; 上海交通大学洱海野外监测站种子基金
作者(Authors): 谢艳;张荣臻;张葵东;吕兴菊;张和;肖鹏;李仁辉;程耀;耿若真;
Xie Yan;Zhang Rongzhen;Zhang Kuidong;LüXingju;Zhang He;Xiao Peng;Li Renhui;Cheng Yao;Geng Ruozhen;College of Life and Environmental Science,Wenzhou University;Wenzhou Shanxi Hydro-junction Management Center;Research Center of Erhai Lake,Dali;
DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.016