
  • 分享到:
  • 1:北部湾大学食品工程学院

  • 2:北部湾大学广西高校北部湾特色海产品资源开发与高值化利用重点实验室

  • 3:广西灵山县宇峰保健食品有限公司

  • 4:广州工商学院商学院


为解决一般果汁饮料的均匀稳定、色素保存、污染菌及料液成本等生产经济性问题.利用中药促进乳酸菌发酵火龙果汁,以正交试验优化生产条件,并进行产品储存6月保质的加速试验(accelerated test).结果显示最佳工艺组合对火龙果汁凉茶中胞外多糖(EPS)产量的影响顺序由大到小为:火龙果汁料液比1∶5组,温度37℃组,pH4.0组,发酵时间16 h组,此时最佳EPS产量为(1 168±12) mg/L.加速实验后,最佳实验组合的各项指标皆比各对照组具有显著的乳化性(85.8±0.9)%,稳定性(99.62±0.07)%,及甜菜苷含量(78.8±0.5) mg/L(P<0.05),抑菌作用显示对大肠杆菌的抑菌能力最强而对金黄色葡萄球菌为最弱.研究显示原料成本可降低5倍,发酵温度可减少5℃,发酵时间可减少4 h, EPS产量可提高(18.8±2.4)%,总体提高了生产成本的经济性.
In order to solve the quality problems and production economy of common fruit juice beverage, such as uniform stability, pigment preservation, polluted bacteria and material cost. Chinese herbal medicine(CHM) was used to promote the fermentation of pitaya juice by lactic acid bacteria(LAB). Orthogonal test was used to optimize the production conditions, and 6 months accelerated storage test was also conducted to quality evaluation. Results of the optimal process group showed that the order of the effect on exopolysaccharides(EPS) yield of pitaya juice herbal tea(PJHT)was: ratio of pitaya juice material to liquid 1∶5, temperature 37 ℃, pH 4.0, fermentation time 16 h, and the optimal EPS yield was(1 168±12) mg·L(-1). After the accelerated experiment, indexes to the optimal experimental group were significantly(P<0.05) higher than those of the control group and the blank group in emulsification(85.8±0.9)%, stability(99.62±0.07)%, and betanin content(78.8±0.5) mg·L(-1). After the accelerated experiment, indexes to the optimal experimental group were significantly(P<0.05) higher than those of the control group and the blank group in emulsification(85.8±0.9)%, stability(99.62±0.07)%, and betanin content(78.8±0.5) mg·L(-1). Bacteriostatic effects display Escherichia coli was the best and Staphylococcus aureus was the weakest. Based on the results of the experiment, the materials cost reduced 5 times; the fermentation temperature reduced 5 ℃ energy; the fermentation time reduced 4 h; the EPS production increased(18.8±2.4)%, and the relative product quality improved by about 20%. Overall, the economy of production costs has been improved.

关键词(KeyWords): 火龙果;凉茶;乳酸菌;乳化性;最小抑菌浓度
pitaya;herbal tea;lactic acid bacteria;emulsification;minimum inhibitory concentration

基金项目(Foundation): 钦州市科学研究与技术开发计划项目(20189902);; 2022年自治区级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202211607214);; 2021年自治区级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202111607043)

作者(Authors): 林大成;陆明盈;钟搂;陈美花;王剑峰;颜财发;
Lin Dacheng;Lu Mingying;Chong Lou;Chen Meihua;Wang Jianfeng;Yan Caifa;College of Food Engineering,Beibu Gulf University;Guangxi Colleges and University Key Laboratory of Development and High-value Utilization of Beibu Gulf Seafood Resources,Beibu Gulf University;Guangxi Lingshan Yufeng Health Food Co.,Ltd.;School of Business,Guangzhou College of Technology and Business;

DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.017


