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煤焦油的直接排放和粗放利用会造成严重的环境污染,煤焦油利用的关键是绿色高价值.以中低温煤焦油中提取得到的小分子量酚类物质为碳源,利用St9ber法合成碳纳米球.考察了煤焦油提取酚添加量、预聚合温度、水热温度和水热时间对碳纳米球形貌的影响,研究发现当煤焦油提取酚添加量为50%(质量分数)、预聚合温度为60℃、水热温度为160℃和水热时长为24 h时,可以制备得到形貌规整、粒径均一的单分散碳纳米球.在该条件制备的碳纳米球(CTCNS)平均粒径667 nm,比表面积可达596 m2·g2·g(-1),氮含量为2.42%(原子分数),作为潜在的超级电容器电极材料,在6 mol·L(-1),氮含量为2.42%(原子分数),作为潜在的超级电容器电极材料,在6 mol·L(-1) KOH中,具有较好的电化学性能,比电容为123 F·g(-1) KOH中,具有较好的电化学性能,比电容为123 F·g(-1).为煤焦油的绿色高值化利用提供了新的思路和实验依据.
The direct discharge and crude utilization of coal tar will cause serious environmental pollution, and green and high-value utilization is the key to coal tar utilization. In this paper, small molecular weight phenolics were extracted from low-medium temperature coal tar and used as carbon source to synthesize carbon nanospheres by St9ber method. The effects of the addition of coal tar-extracted phenols, pre-polymerization temperature, hydrothermal temperature and hydrothermal time on the morphology of carbon nanospheres were investigated. It was found that monodisperse carbon nanospheres with regular morphology and uniform particle size could be prepared when the doping amount of coal tar-extracted phenols was 50%(mass fraction), the pre-polymerization temperature was 60 ℃, the hydrothermal temperature was 160 ℃, and the hydrothermal time was 24 h. The prepared carbon nanospheres(CTCNS) under these conditions have an average particle size of 667 nm, a specific surface area of up to 596 m(-1).为煤焦油的绿色高值化利用提供了新的思路和实验依据.
The direct discharge and crude utilization of coal tar will cause serious environmental pollution, and green and high-value utilization is the key to coal tar utilization. In this paper, small molecular weight phenolics were extracted from low-medium temperature coal tar and used as carbon source to synthesize carbon nanospheres by St9ber method. The effects of the addition of coal tar-extracted phenols, pre-polymerization temperature, hydrothermal temperature and hydrothermal time on the morphology of carbon nanospheres were investigated. It was found that monodisperse carbon nanospheres with regular morphology and uniform particle size could be prepared when the doping amount of coal tar-extracted phenols was 50%(mass fraction), the pre-polymerization temperature was 60 ℃, the hydrothermal temperature was 160 ℃, and the hydrothermal time was 24 h. The prepared carbon nanospheres(CTCNS) under these conditions have an average particle size of 667 nm, a specific surface area of up to 596 m2·g2·g(-1) and a nitrogen content of 2.42%(atomic fraction). The prepared carbon nanospheres were used as potential supercapacitor electrode materials with good electrochemical properties in 6 mol·L(-1) and a nitrogen content of 2.42%(atomic fraction). The prepared carbon nanospheres were used as potential supercapacitor electrode materials with good electrochemical properties in 6 mol·L(-1) KOH, with a specific capacitance of 123 F·g(-1) KOH, with a specific capacitance of 123 F·g(-1). This paper provides a new idea and experimental basis for the green and high-value utilization of coal tar.
关键词(KeyWords): 煤焦油;碳纳米球;St9ber法;超级电容器
coal tar;carbon nanospheres;St9ber method;supercapacitors
基金项目(Foundation): 国家能源集团2030重大项目先导项目(GJNY2030XDXM-19-17);; 晋中市科技重点研发计划(Y201002)
作者(Authors): 侯豪杰;黄瑞;杨莹;刘冬;冯宇;王建成;
Hou Haojie;Huang Rui;Yang Ying;Liu Dong;Feng Yu;Wang Jiancheng;State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal Utilization,Taiyuan University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Coal Science and Technology,Ministry of Education,Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Materials Science and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology;Shanxi Danyuan Carbon Holdings Co.,Ltd.;
DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.007