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In this paper,we use the results of the light-front quark model as the input under the condition of power suppressed without neglecting the masses of c quark and D meson,The contributions of spectator scattering and weak annihilation amplitudes in ■are given under the framework of QCD Factorization.The purpose of this work is to explain the 4σ-5σ deviation between theoretical prediction and experimental measurement in these two decay channels.The results show that the contribution of spectator scattering and weak annihilation amplitudes can improve this deviation to some extent,but the deviation between theory and experiment is still obvious.
关键词(KeyWords): QCD因子化;D介子;光前夸克模型;湮灭
QCD Factorization;D meson;light-front quark model;annihilation
基金项目(Foundation): 国家自然科学基金(12275067);; 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(23A140012)
作者(Authors): 常钦;赵萌非;陈丽丽;王晓琳;
Chang Qin;Zhao Mengfei;Chen Lili;Wang Xiaolin;School of Physics, Henan Normal University;
DOI: 10.16366/j.cnki.1000-2367.2023.04.002