学术论文: Xiaofeng Gao*, Jun Nakatani, Qian Zhang, Beijia Huang, Tao Wang, Yuichi Moriguchi. Dynamic material flow and stock analysis of residential buildings by integrating rural–urban land transition: A case of Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 253: 119941, SCI, IF=11.072.中科院一区top. Beijia Huang*, Xiaofeng Gao, Xiaozhen Xu, Jialing Song,Yong Geng*, Joseph Sarkis, Tomer Fishman, Harnwei Kua, Jun Nakatani. A Life Cycle Thinking Framework to Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Building Materials. One Earth, 2020, 3(5): 564-573. SCI, IF=14.944.Cell子刊 Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Tian Xie, Guangyin Zhen, Sheng Huang, Youcai Zhao*. Characterization and environmental risk assessment of heavy metals in construction and demolition wastes from five sources (chemical, metallurgical and light industries, and residential and recycled aggregates). Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,22:9332-9344. SCI, IF=5.190. Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Sheng Huang, Guangyin Zhen, Guannan Deng, Tian Xie, Youcai Zhao*. Comparison of alternative remediation technologies for recycled gravel contaminated with heavy metals. Waste Management & Research,2015, 33(11): 1005–1014. SCI, IF=4.432. Kunsen Lin, Tao Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao*, Zongshen Li, Huabo Duan, Huanyu Wu, Guanyou Lu, Youcai Zhao*. Deep convolutional neural networks for construction and demolition waste classification: VGGNet structures, cyclical learning rate, and knowledge transfer.Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, : 115501, SCI, IF=8.91. 中科院二区.共同通讯. Kunsen Lin,Youcai Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao*, Meilan Zhang, Chunlong Zhao, Lu Peng, Qian Zhang, Tao Zhou. Applying a deep residual network coupling with transfer learning for recyclable waste sorting.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022, SCI, IF=5.190. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-22167-w Kunsen Lin, Youcai Zhao, Jia-Hong Kuo, Deng Hao, Feifei Cui, Zilong Zhang, Meilan Zhang, Chunlong Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao*, Tao Zhou*, Tao Wang*. Toward smarter management and recovery of munic ipal solid waste: A critical review on deep learning approaches. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 346: 130943, SCI, IF=11.072. 中科院一区top.共同通讯 高小峰,谷依露,谢田,刘阳,黄晟,赵由才*. 不同建筑材料对气态汞的吸附模拟研究. 土木建筑与环境工程. 2014,06:112-118.中文核心期刊 高小峰,谷依露,谢田,刘阳,黄晟,赵由才*. 不同来源建筑垃圾中汞的分布特征. 徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版). 2014,03:55-59 高小峰,谷依露,谢田,黄晟,曹楠楠,苏良湖,赵由才*. 五种不同来源建筑废物中砷污染特征及形态分布. 环境保护前沿. 2015,5(2):22-34 高小峰,谷依露,朱思睿,葛继稳*.邵新煤矿开采对当地植物多样性影响的评价.科技促进发展.2011, 6(S1):43-45 谷依露,高小峰*(通讯作者),杨晓菁,葛台明.不同物理化学因子对致倦库蚊的引诱效果研究.中国媒介生物学及控制杂志,2012,23(2):105-107. CSCD中文核心期刊 Yilu Gu, Xiaofeng Gao, Yongguang Jiang, Xin Peng, Renhui Li*. Molecular characterization and toxin quantification of Microcystis panniformis: A microcystin producer in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019,76,359-367. SCI, IF=6.796. Hongping He, Guanglan Di, Xiaofeng Gao, Xunchang Fei*. Use mechanochemical activation to enhance interfacial contaminant removal: A review of recent developments and mainstream techniques. Chemosphere, 2020, 243: 125339, SCI, IF=8.943. Kun Zhou, Boran Wu, Lianghu Su, Xiaofeng Gao, Xiaoli Chai*, Xiaohu Dai. Development of nano-CaO2-coated clinoptilolite for enhanced phosphorus adsorption and simultaneous removal of COD and nitrogen from sewage. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328:35-43. SCI, IF=16.744. 中科院一区top. Yang Liu, Xiaoli Chai*, Yongxia Hao, Xiaofeng Gao, Zhibo Lu,Youcai Zhao, Jie Zhang, Minghong Cai. Total mercury and methylmercury distributions in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 8603-8610. SCI, IF=5.190. Peiwen Sun, Ning Zhang, Jian Zuo, Ruichang Mao, Xiaofeng Gao, Huabo Duan*. Characterizing the Generation and Flows of Building Interior Decoration and Renovation Waste: A Case Study in Shenzhen City. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2020, 260: 121077, SCI, IF=11.072. 中科院一区top. Ning Zhang, Hui Zhang, Georg Schiller, Haibo Feng, Xiaofeng Gao, Enming Li, Xiujie Li. Unraveling the GWP mitigation potential from recycling subway-related excavated soil and rock in China via life cycle assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2021 , 17(3): 639-650, SCI, IF=3.084 Sheng Huang, Xin Zhao, Yanqiu Sun, Jianli Ma, Xiaofeng Gao, Tian Xie, Dongsheng Xu, Yi Yu and Youcai Zhao*. Pollution of Hazardous Substances in Industrial Construction and Demolition Wastes and their Multi-path Risk within an Abandoned Pesticide Manufacturing Plant. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11 (1), 12. SCI, IF=6.048 Sheng Huang, Xin Zhao, Yanqiu Sun, Jianli Ma, Xiaofeng Gao, Tian Xie, Dongsheng Xu, Yi Yu and Youcai Zhao*. Spatial distribution of organic pollutants in industrial construction and demolition waste and their mutual interaction on an abandoned pesticide manufacturing plant. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2016,18, 482-492. SCI, IF=5.334 Lu Li; Zhouyang Li; Kang Song*; Yilu Gu; Xiaofeng Gao. Improving methane production from algal sludge based anaerobic digestion by co-pretreatment with ultrasound and zero-valent iron. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2020, 255: 120214, SCI, IF=11.072. 中科院一区top. Lu Li; Zhouyang Li; Kang Song*; Yilu Gu; Xiaofeng Gao; Xiaoli Zhao. Short-chain fatty acids resource recovery potential from algal sludge via anaerobic fermentation under various pH values. Chemosphere, Elsevier, 2021, 275: 129954, SCI, IF=8.943. 余葱葱,赵委托*, 高小峰, 程胜高*, 黄庭,尹伊梦,赵珍丽.电镀厂周边地表水中重金属分布特征及健康风险评价. 环境科学, 2017 38(3) 993-1001.中文核心、EI 余葱葱,赵委托*, 高小峰, 程胜高*, 谢地, 马鹏途.陆浑水库饮用水源地水体中金属元素分布特征及健康风险评价. 环境科学, 2018, 39(1): 89-98. 中文核心、EI 谷依露, 高小峰, 李仁辉*. 水华微囊藻 (Microcystis flos-aquae) 生长周期中腐殖酸的释放特性[J]. 湖泊科学, 2015, 27(4):623-628. CSCD中文核心期刊 谢田,高小峰,黄晟,孙艳秋,赵由才*. 重金属建筑废物中污染物随酸雨的迁移研究. 山东化工, 2015,06:157-160+164 谢田,邓冠南,高小峰,兰思杰,黄晟,赵由才*. 混凝土在重金属环境中的暴露研究. 有色冶金设计与研究. 2014,03:43-46+49 兰思杰,谢田,高小峰,赵由才*.渗滤液对磷酸铵镁多次热解回用过程中晶体形态变化的影响.山东化工, 2015, 44(4):16-21. 兰思杰,宋立杰, 黄皇, 谢田,高小峰,赵由才*.鸟粪石热解回收法去除垃圾渗滤液中氨氮的研究. 环境工程, 2016, 34(8) 45-49,中文核心期刊
已授权专利 赵由才,高小峰,谢田,黄晟,刘阳,罗安然,孙艳秋,柴晓利,牛冬杰. 一种高浓度重金属污染建筑废物的处理方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410199598.1. (授权) 赵由才,高小峰,兰思杰,谢田,黄晟,孙艳秋,罗安然,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种利用碱性泥沙干洗石油污染布袋的方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410764360.9. (授权) 赵由才,谢田,高小峰,黄晟,邓冠南,李阳,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种建筑废物中重金属检测方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410245673.3. (授权) 赵由才,谢田,高小峰,黄晟,张杰,孙艳秋,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种使受多种重金属污染的建筑废物稳定化方法, 国家发明专利,ZL 201410415807.1. (授权) 黄晟,赵由才,高小峰,谢田,孙艳秋,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种拆迁废物中有机物的测定方法, 国家发明专利,ZL 201410399655.0.(授权) 高小峰, 谷依露, 沙莎. 一种多功能灭蚊虫装置. 实用新型专利, ZL 2010 2 0697769.0. (授权)
出版物及代表著作 赵由才,黄晟,高小峰 等编著.《废物资源综合利用技术丛书--建筑废物资源化利用》.2018年1月.化学工业出版社, ISBN: 978-7-122-30498-8. Zhao Youcai, Huang Sheng. 高小峰:参编chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9.2016, Pollution Control and Resource Recovery: Industrial Construction and Demolition Wastes, ISBN: 978012811754 5. Printed by Elsevier. 赵由才, 余毅, 徐东升, 黄晟, 高小峰, 谢田等著. 参编第1、3、4、5、7、8、10章. 2016,建筑废物处置和资源化污染控制技术, ISBN: 978-7-122-27949-1.化学工业出版社 宋立杰, 陈善平, 赵由才. 高小峰: 参编第3章和第9章. 2014, 可持续生活垃圾处理与资源化技术, ISBN:978-7-122-18368-2.化学工业出版社