11月4日上午,应数学与信息科学学院邀请,美国威奇托州立大学李小龙教授为学院师生做题为“New sphere theorems under curvature operator of the second kind”的学术讲座,学院相关学科教师及研究生30余人在线共同聆听了本次讲座。
李小龙教授首先介绍了第二类曲率算子在Nishikawa-猜想被解决之后受到了极大关注,并给出了具有第二类3-非负曲率算子的闭黎曼流形的分类。同时,介绍了第一类曲率算子和第二类曲率算子及Bochner Weitzenboch公式的相关问题,并介绍了最近的研究工作相关进展。在本次演讲中,李教授将简要介绍第二类曲率算子,并讨论了Nishikawa-猜想的证明。最后,他介绍了最近在第二类曲率算子负下界条件的新球面定理方面的工作和相关问题。
Xiaolong Li is currently an Assistant Professor at Wichita State University. He obtained his Ph.D degree under the supervision of Prof. Lei Ni and Prof. Ben Chow at University of California, San Diego. After that, he spent three years as a Visiting Assistant Professor working under the supervision of Prof. Richard Schoen at University of California, Irvine and one year as a Britton Postdoctoral Fellow at McMaster University. His research interests include Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.
(数学与信息科学学院 李智)