发布时间: 2023-09-05 浏览次数:44次 |
[1] Yueyue Li, Jie-Tai Yu. Fixed elements of noninjective endomorphisms of polynomial algebras in two variables. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2017, 95(2): 209-213. (SCI)
[2] Yan Tian, Xiankun Du, Yueue Li. Matrices with few nonzero principal minors. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(7): 1362-1379. (SCI)
[3] Yueyue Li, Yan Tian, Xiankun Du. Triangularization of Matrices and Polynomial Maps. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2020, 63(1), 94-105. (SCI)
[4] Yueyue Li, Xiankun Du. Discriminants of polynomial algebras over the symmetric polynomials. Communications in Algebra, 2020, 48(8), 3307-3314. (SCI) |